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TNAU Agritech Portal :: Crop Protection
Aphid: Aphis gossypii

Symptoms of damage:

  • Infesting tender shoots and under surface of the leaves.
  • Curling and crinkling of leaves
  • Stunted growth
  • Development of black sooty mould due to the excretion of honey dew

Identification of pest:

  • Nymphs: Yellowish or greenish brown found on the undersurface of leaves.
  • Adults: - are greenish brown, soft bodied and small insects


  • Spray any one of the following insecticides (500 l spray fluid/ha)
    • Acetamiprid 20 SP 1.5g/10l.
    • Malathion 50EC 1.25 ml /l.
    • Tolfenpyrad 15EC 2.0/l.
    • Imidacloprid 200 SL at 100 ml/ha
    • Methyl demeton 25 EC 500 ml/ha
    • Dimethoate 30 EC 2.0 ml/l.
    • Phosphamidon 40 SL 600 ml/ha.
    • NSKE 5%
  • Monitoring the activities of the alate adult by setting up yellow sticky traps

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