Symptoms of damage
- Termite bores into the roots and stem. Due to the bore the plants soon dries.
- Attack may continue to the standing crop also especially during the period of drought.
Identification of the pest
- These are social insects, live in termitaria, in distinct castes, workers, kings and queen.
- Eggs are laid on plants and in the soil.
- 'Worker' are small (4 mm) and have a soft, white body and a brown head.
- Frequent intercultural operations and irrigation before sowing.
- Field sanitation, timely disposal of crop stables and undecomposed plant parts.
- Undecomposed FYM or composed should not be used
- Two-three deep ploughing could also help control this pest.
- Destroy the termite bunds in and around the field and kill the queen and complimentary form.
- Seed treatment with chlorpyriphos @ 4ml/kg of seed.