Symptoms of damage and nature of attack
- Grown up coffee plants normally attacked.
- Young plants (1 to 5 years old) attacked by white grubs
- Yellowing of leaves
- Stunted growth
- Wilting of plants and die (summer period).
- Attacked plants can be easily pulled out
Identification of the pest
- Grub - C-shaped, dirty white with dark brown head.
- Adults - reddish brown beetles
- In white grub-infested areas – at the time of planting apply phorate 5 G 10 g or carbofuran 3G 10 g into the soil in the pit.
- Soil application of phorate 10 G @ 20 g per plant.
- Field sanitation
- Collect and kill the grubs
- Install light traps and kill the trapped adults (March – June)