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Crop Protection :: Pest of Sorghum

Sorghum midge: Contarinia sorghicola
Symptom of damage:
  • Nymphs and adult suck the juice from within the grains when they are in the milky stage
  • Grains shrink and turn black in colour and ill filled (or) chaffy
  • Presence of large number of nymphs and adults are seen on the ear head
  Chaffy grains Holes on earhead Discoloured grains
Identification of the pest:
  • Egg: Blue cigar shaped, laid under the glumes or into the middle of the florets
  • Nymphs: Slender, green in colour
  • Adults: Male is green in colour, female is green with a brown margin
  Egg Nymph Pupa Adult  

ETL: 10/earhead

  • Apply any one of the following on 3rd and 18th day after panicle emergence
  • Carbaryl 10 D 25 kg/ha
  • Malathion 5 D 25 kg/ha
  • Neem seed kernel extract 5%
  • Spray Malathion 50 EC in 500 lit of water
Source of images:

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