Guava fruit fly: Bactrocera diversus
Symptoms of damage
Adults and maggots attack semi – ripe fruits
Oviposition punctures on fruits
Maggots destroy and convert pulp into a bad smelling
Discoloured semi liquid mass
Identification of pest
- Adult - Brown or dark brown with hyaline wings and yellow legs
- Collect and destroy fallen and infested fruits
- Summer ploughing to expose pupa
- Use methyl eugenol lure trap (25/ha) to monitor and kill adults of fruit flies
- Prepare methyl eugenol and malathion 50 EC mixture at 1:1 ratio( take 10 ml mixture/ trap)
- Inseciticides: malathion 50 EC 0.05%
- Bait spray combining molasses or jaggery 10g/l and one of the insecticides,
- malathion 50 EC 2 ml/l
- dimethoate 30 EC 1ml/lit, two rounds at fortnight interval before ripening of fruits
- Field release of parasitoids such as
- Opius compensatus
- Spalangia philippinensis,
- parasitoid wasp, Diachasmimorpha kraussi
Diachasmimorpha kraussi |