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Horticultural crops :: Fruits:: Jack fruit

Die-back: Botryodiplodia theobromae


  • The most of die-back becomes evident by discolouration and darkening of the bark some distance from the tip.
  • The dark area advances and young green twigs start withering first at the base and then extending outwards along the veins of leaf edges.
  • The affected leaves turn brown and their margins roll upwards.
  • At this stage, the twig or branch dies, shrivels and falls.
  • There may be exudation of gum from affected branches. Such branches are often affected by shoot borers.
  • Infected twigs show internal discolouration.


  • Pruning of infected twigs followed by spraying of Carbendazim 0.1 per cent or Chlorothalonil 0.2 per cent is recommended.
  • Controlling shoot borers and shot-hole borers by suitable insecticides is also important in reducing die-back disease.

Symptoms on twigs

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