Agricultural crops :: Cereals :: Maize
Brown stripe downy mildew: Scleropthora rayssiae var. zeae
Lesions start developing on lower leaves as narrow chlorosis or yellow stripes,3-7 mm wide, with well defined margin and are delimited by the veins.
The stripes later become reddish to purple. Lateral development of lesions causes sever striping and blotching.
Seed development may be suppressed, plant may die prematurely if blotching occurs prior to flowering.
Sporangia on the leaves appear as a downy whitish to wooly growth on both surface of the lesions.
Floral or vegetative parts are not malformed, and the leaves do not shred.
Management |
Resistant varieties -Prabhat, Kohinoor, ICI-703, PAC-9401, PMZ-2, SEEDTEC-2331.
Seed treatment with Acylalanine fungicide metalaxyl @ 6.0 g/kg.
Rogue out infected plants at early stage.
Control - Apron 35 WP, @ 2.5 g/kg as seed treatment.
Spray with Metalaxyl 1g/lit or Metalaxyl + Mancozeb @ 2.5 g/lit.