The first noticeable symptoms develop on leaf blades and consists of small chlorotic spots, arranged as alternate bands of diseased and healthy tissue.
Spots on the mid-ribs are circular and dark brown, while lesions on the laminae continue as chlorotic spots. Nodes and internodes also show brown lesions.
In severe infections, these may coalesce and induce stalk rotting and lodging.
Planting corn early allow to escape infection.
Removing of Saccharum spontaneoum grass growing around the crop, can minimise the disease.
Systemic fungicides mainly based on acylalamines such as, metalaxyl .
Resistant varieties – Ganga 11,Deccan, Deccan 103,Composite Suwan1, F-9572 A, JKMH-178-4, FH-3113
Healthy Leaf |
Infected Leaf |