- Floral parts transformed into green leafy structure – Phylloid structure
- Small leaves and malformed flowers cluster at the top and the flower become sterile
- Stamens leaf like, anthers green and ovary transformed into shoot like structure
- Plants with reduced internodes and gives bushy appearance.
Identification of pathogen
Vector Jassid – Orosius albicinctus
Favourable Conditions
- High relative humidity (> 85%)
- Heavy rainfall
- Low temperature (20-25ºC)
Mode of Spread and Survival
- Transmitted by jassids-Orosius albicinctus
- Remove and destroy infected plants.
- To control vector, spray NSKE @ 5% or neem oil @ 2%
- Seed treatment with imidacloprid 600 FS @ 7.5ml/kg
- Spray Quinalphos 25 EC 800 ml/ac or thiamethoxam 25WG @ 40 g/ac or imidacloprid 17.8SL @ 40 ml/ac.
- Intercropping of Sesamum + Redgram (6:1).