Leaf webber/ roller and capsule borer: Antigastra catalaunalis |
Symptoms of damage
- Webbing of terminal leaves and bore the tender shoots at vegetative phase.
- Flowers and young capsules are bored at reproductive stage and the larvae feed on developing seeds.
Identification of the pest
- Larva: Green in colour with black head and short white hairs on the body
- Adult: Brown with orange brown forewings and pale yellow transparent hindwings
ETL : 10 larvae/ m2 at vegetative stage and 2 larvae / m2 at reproductive stage. |
- Early sowing (first week of July) in Kharif season.
- Intercrop with green gram, pearl millet (cumbu) and groundnut.
- Two sprays of Neem oil 2% or NSKE 5 % at 15 days interval.
- Spray Quinalphos 25 EC @ 800 ml/ac.
Antigastra larva in shoot |
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Antigastra larva in flower |
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Antigastra larva on capsule |
Antigastra adult |