Powdery mildew: Leveillula taurica / Oidiopsis neolycopersici
Field Diagnostic Symptoms
Irregular, bright yellow blotches with yellow halo appear on leaves.
- Abundant white sporulation in the infected area of leaves
Symptoms on leaves |
Causal agent
- –Leveillula taurica (Oidiopsis sicula) Oidiopsis type
Pathogen characters :
- Hyaline and septate, endophytic
Sexual spores :
- Ascospores in ascocarp (Chasmothecium)
Survival and Mode of Spread
Survival :
Primary spread:
Secondary spread:
Favourable conditions
Integrated Disease Management
- Field sanitation
- Spray Propiconazole 25% EC @200 ml/ac
- Seed treatment with Bacillus subtilis @ 10 g/kg seeds
Source of Information
- https:www.apsnet.org
- Crop production guide – Horticulture 2020.
Dr.P.Renukadevi, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, TNAU, Coimbatore.