Bacterial stem and fruit canker: Clavibacter michiganensis sub sp. michiganensis
- Seedlings, leaves, stem and fruits are affected
- Spots on leaves, stems and fruits
White blister like spots in the margins of leaves and turn brown.
- Wilting of leaves and shoots, streaks on stems and petioles.
- Small, water soaked spots with white halo on fruits.
- Centre of spots become slightly raised
- tan coloured and rough
- Cankers develop and form cracks
- slimy bacterial ooze through cracks.
- Vascular discolouration.
Stem infection |
Fruit infection |
Causal Organism :
- Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Smith) Davis
Pathogen :
- Gram-positive, non-motile, rod-shaped, aerobic bacterium
Survival and Mode of Spread
Survival :
Primary spread:
- Infected plant debris and seed
Secondary spread:
Favourable conditions
- Soil temperature - 28°C
- High humidity or persistent dew
- Moist weather with intermittent showers
Integrated Disease Management
- Field sanitation
- Crop rotation with non host crops
- Use of disease free seeds
- Disinfection of tools and implements
- Removal of weeds
Source of Information
- Crop production guide – Horticulture 2020.
Dr.P.Renukadevi, Professor, Department of Plant Pathology, TNAU, Coimbatore.