Horticultural crops :: Vegetables:: Musk melon and Water melon
Alternaria Blight: Alternaria cucumerina
It usually occurs on foliage during the middle of the growing season.
The disease starts as small, yellow spots which enlarge to form concentric rings on the upper leaf surfaces.
Muskmelons are more susceptible than other cucurbits to Alternaria blight. Often muskmelon vines will be almost completely defoliated by this disease.
The pathoegen also may cause fruit injury.
Alternaria cucumerina may be carried in and on seed and can also overwinter in diseased plant debris or cucurbit weeds.
Spores produced on infected foliage are spread by wind, rain, people, tools, etc.
Plants weakened by lack of proper fertilizer or poor soils are more likely to be attacked than young, vigorously growing plants.
Warm, wet weather favors development of Alternaria blight.
To control Alternaria blight, plant disease-free seed in fertile, well-drained soil, practice crop rotation with unrelated crops, destroy cucurbit weeds.
Spray the crop with Mancozeb @ 2 g /lit.