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TNAU Agritech Portal :: Drip Fertigation in Direct Sown Red Gram

Drip Irrigation
    The water was pumped through 7.5 H P motor and conveyed to the main line of 63 mm OD PVC pipes after filtering through sand filter. In the main line, ventury was installed for fertigation. From the main pipe, sub mains of 40 mm OD PVC pipes were drawn. From the sub main, laterals of 12 mm LDPE pipes were installed at an interval of 1.50 m. Each  lateral was provided with individual tap control for imposing irrigation and fertigation treatments. Along the laterals, inline drippers were fixed at a spacing of 60 cm. The wetting diameter of dripper is 0.6m with discharge rate of 4 lit hr-1. Sub mains and laterals were closed at the end with end cap. After installation, trial run was conducted to assess mean dripper discharge and uniformity  co-efficient. This was taken into account for fixing the irrigation water application time.

Layout of Drip Fertigation System

Irrigation Scheduling

For irrigation through drip system, first irrigation was given immediately after sowing and life irrigation was given on 3 DAS. Subsequent irrigations were scheduled once in seven days based on the following formula and applied each time as per the treatment schedule. For drip fertigation system, the operational pressure was maintained at 1.0 kg cm-2. The computed water requirement of crop (WRc) was calculated based on the formula, WRc = CPE x Kp x Kc x Wp x A where, WRc - Computed water requirement (lit plant-1), CPE- Cumulative pan evaporation for seven days (mm), Kp- Pan factor, Kc - Crop factor, Wp- Wetting percentage (0.8) and A - Area per plant (150 x 60 cm).

Layout of Drip Fertigation System

Pan co-efficient Crop co-efficient
Period Value of Kp
November to February 0.6
March to April 0.7
September to October 0.7
May to August 0.8

Ravikumar et al. (2011)

Crop growth stage Crop factor (Kc)
Initial stage 0.40
Mid stage 1.15
Final stage 0.35

Singandhupe et al. (2005)

Time of operation of drip system to deliver the required volume of water per plot was computed based on the formula

Time of Operation       =   Volume of water required / Emitter discharge * Number of Emitters

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