Important Ongoing NFDB Schemes for Individual Beneficiaries/SHGs/Entrepreneurs (2014-15)
The National Fisheries Development Board (NFDB) was established to work towards a blue revolution with a focus on increasing the fish production of the country to a level of about 10 million metric tonnes from the present level of 6.4 million metric tonnes, to achieve doubling of exports and an additional direct employment to an extent of 3.5 million by extending assistance to various agencies for implementation of activities under Inland, Brackish water and Marine sectors.
The NFDB has formulated several schemes for giving assistance to the individual farmers, SHGs, entrepreneurs & Govt. organization etc. The Directorate of Fisheries, West Bengal has taken initiatives to provide financial assistance through NFDB to the individual farmers, SHGs, entrepreneurs. The important schemes with existing unit cost and pattern of assistance are listed below: |
Intensive Aquaculture in ponds and Tanks
Sl No |
Name of the Activity/Scheme |
Unit Cost |
Pattern of assistance |
1 |
Construction of new fish/prawn ponds and Tanks |
Existing species |
Rs. 3.00 lakhs/ ha for plain areas |
20% subsidy with a ceiling of Rs. 0.60 lakhs /ha. and 25% subsidy to SC & STs with a ceiling of Rs. 0.75 lakhs/ha. |
New species
Pangasius sutchi |
Rs. 3.00 lakhs /ha |
20% of the unit cost for all farmers and 25% subsidy to SC & STs |
2 |
Renovation of ponds and Tanks |
Existing fish/prawn ponds and tanks |
Rs.0.75 lakh/ha |
20% subsidy for all farmers/ entrepreneurs with a ceiling of 0.15 lakhs/ha and 25% subsidy to SC & STs with a ceiling of Rs. new species 0.1875 lakhs/ha. |
New species
Pangasius sutchi |
Rs.0.75 lakh/ha |
3 |
Cost of inputs |
For prawn farming |
Rs.1.80 lakhs/ha |
20% subsidy with a ceiling of Rs. 0.36 lakhs /ha for all farmers |
For fish/prawn farming in Paddy fields |
Rs.0.50 lakhs/ha |
20% subsidy for all farmers/entrepreneurs |
New species
Pangasius sutchi |
Rs. 5.00 lakh / ha |
40% of subsidy of the unit cost |
4 |
Establishment of freshwater prawn seed hatchery |
Capacity: 5-8 million PL /unit/ year for Entrepreneurs/farmers |
Rs. 12 lakhs/unit |
20% subsidy with a ceiling of Rs. 2.40 lakhs to entrepreneurs / farmers. |
5 |
Establishment of fish seed hatchery |
Establishment of fish seed hatcheries with or with out /nurseries 7 -8 million (fry) capacity / year |
Rs. 12.00 lakhs/ unit |
20% back ended bank linked subsidy to entrepreneurs / farmers with a ceiling of Rs. 2.4 lakhs/unit. |
5 |
Construction of fish seed rearing units |
Construction of fish seed rearing units for rearing fry to large fingerlings of 80 – 100 mm size |
Rs. 3.00 lakhs/ha. |
20% subsidy for all farmers/entrepreneurs 25% subsidy to SC & STs |
Feed mill of 1.2 quintal /day |
7.5 lakhs / unit |
20% subsidy with a ceiling of Rs. 1.5 lakh per unit to entrepreneurs/ Farmers |
Freshwater Ornamental Fisheries
Sl No |
Name of the Activity/Scheme |
Unit Cost |
Pattern of assistance |
1 |
Backyard hatchery |
Rs.1.50 lakh |
50% unit cost as subsidy to entrepreneurs, members of Women SHGs/ Fisherwomen Cooperative Societies |
2 |
Medium scale unit |
Rs.4.00 lakhs |
50% unit cost as subsidy to beneficiaries |
3 |
Integrated Ornamental Fishery Units |
Rs 15.00 lakhs |
50 % unit cost as subsidy to entrepreneur |
4 |
Setting up of Aquarium fabrication units SHGs/ Entrepreneurs |
Rs. 1.00 lakh |
50% unit cost as subsidy to members of Women SHGs/ Fisherwomen Cooperative Societies and 25% unit cost as subsidy to individual persons. |
Coastal Aquaculture
Sl.No |
Name of the Activity/Scheme |
Unit Cost |
Pattern of assistance |
1 |
Construction of ponds for brackish water fin fish culture |
Rs. 2.40 lakhs/ha |
25% cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.60 lakhs/ha as subsidy. |
2 |
Additional infrastructure for modification of existing shrimp farm for brackish water finfish culture. |
Rs. 2.00 lakhs/ ha. |
25% cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 0.50 lakhs/ha as subsidy. |
3 |
Input assistance for brackish water fin fish culture. |
Rs. 3.00 lakhs/ ha. (subject to the approval of CIBA based on the production levels) |
1. One time back ended subsidy of 25% to all farmers to a maximum of 0.75 lakhs/ha and 2. 30% subsidy in case of SC/STs to a maximum of Rs. 0.90 lakhs/ha. |
4 |
Assistance for additional infrastructure to Specific Pathogen Free shrimp culture farm |
Rs. 15.00 lakhs for 5 ha. w.s.a. and above |
1. Back ended subsidy of 25% on the capital cost.
2. Back ended subsidy of 30% on the capital cost to SCs/STs |
Development of Domestic Fish Marketing
Sl.No |
Name of the Activity/Scheme |
Unit Cost |
Pattern of assistance |
1 |
Setting up of retail fish Outlets (mobile) |
Up to Rs.10.00 lakhs |
Subsidy @ 25 % of approved project cost to entrepreneurs (30% subsidy for SCs /ST). |
2 |
Retailing by fisherwomen |
Up to Rs. 10.00 lakhs |
40% subsidy on the project cost to Fisherwomen who are involved in fish marketing and fisherwomen who are from fishermen Community and members of local fishermen or fisherwomen co-operative societies. |
Fish drying and Processing
Sl.No |
Name of the Activity/Scheme |
Unit Cost |
Pattern of assistance |
1 |
Setting up of Solar Drying of fish units. |
(i) Unit cost up to Rs. 6.0 lakhs for 100 Kg/day
(ii) case to case basis for 500 Kg./day and above. |
25% subsidy (30% for SC/ ST) to fishermen/ fisher women/SHGs/ entrepreneurs |
2 |
Platform for Sun drying of fish |
Unit cost limited to Rs. 35,000/- per platform of min 150 sq. feet. |
25% subsidy (30% for SC/ ST) to Fishermen/ fisher women/SHGs/ entrepreneurs. |
Submission of Proposal: There is a single Application Form for all these NFDB schemes. All the eligible applicants shall submit duly filled application form to the concerned Block Fishery Extension Officers/CEO, FFDA of district.
Important documents required for NFDB assistance
- Clear title of the land in the name of the applicant/s (copy of Porcha/ROR)
- If the land is on lease, lease deed for a minimum period of 7 years (copy of lease deed
- Bank's consent to provide loan towards the non-subsidy portion of the investment (original
copy of bank consent letter).
- In case of Self finance (full or part) towards the non-subsidy portion of investment; the
applicant has to furnish self declaration on one hundred rupees Non- Judicial Stamp Paper.
This Stamp Paper should be attached with the Application Form.
- SC/ST Certificate (in case of SC/ST farmers)
- Proof of identity ((EPIC, Passport, Ration Card, Bank Account etc.)
- Other documents as specified in the schemes for which assistance required.
Release of Subsidy: Generally, the subsidy sanctioned shall be released to the implementing agencies in single installment/two installments depending upon the schemes.
Disbursement of Subsidy: The NFDB subsidy shall be back-ended in both the cases of self financed as well as bank loan availed towards the non-subsidy portion of funds.
However, the detailed conditions for disbursement of the NFDB assistance will be indicated in the respective sanctioned.
Source :
Updated on : March 2015 |