West Coast Tall

  • Also known as Ordinary or Common Tall Variety
  • Soil: WCT palm grows in all type of soil, especially grow well in littoral sand as well as in the interior and is somewhat tolerant to moisture stress in the soil
  • Time take for bearing: 6 to 7 years
  • Average Yield: 80 nuts / palm / year
  • Copra content: 176 gram/ nut, the range between 135 and 200 gram
  • Oil content: 68 per cent

Special Features

  • It is recommended for large scale cultivation in coastal regions of Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Gujarat, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Lakshadweep, Orissa and Tripura.
  • The tree also yields, on tapping, good quantity and quality of coconut juice or toddy which can be fermented or converted into jaggery or sugar.
  • It can prefer for both edible purpose and soap manufacture.