Horticulture :: Plantation Crops :: Coconut - Harvesting


  • Twelve months old nuts are harvested at the interval of 30-45 days for seed as well as copra making and culinary purposes.
  • For household use keep the nuts in vertical direction. However, for tender nut purposes 7 to 8 months old nuts are harvested. The nuts can be harvested using coconut climbers.
  • Nuts which are 11 months old give fiber of good quality. This is suitable for coir fiber.
  • In case of tall the nuts harvested for seed purpose can be stored for 2 to 3 months period before sowing, whereas in case of dwarfs and hybrids, nuts should be sown with in a period of 10 –15 days of harvest.
  • On an average, we can have eight harvests, though the coconut palm produces inflorescence every month.

Coconut Harvesting Equipments
(Traditional Method)

Coconut Harvest

Collecting of Harvested Coconuts

Tree Climber

Harvesting by Tree Climber

Coconut Dehusker
Last Update : December 2014 Back
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