Horticulture :: Vegetables:: Chow-chow

CHOW CHOW (Sechium edule)

Two types: Green fruited and White fruited.

Requires well drained acidic soil with a pH of 5.5 - 6.5 and thrives best in a temperature range of 18 - 22°C and at an altitude of 1200 - 1500 m. In plains it comes up well during winter season.

Planting is done during April – May

Preparation of field
Dig pits of 45 cm x 45 cm x 45 cm at a spacing of 2.4 x 1.8 m and fill up the pits with 10 kg of FYM, 250 g of urea, 500 g of Super phosphate and 500 g of Muriate of Potash.

Fully matured and sprouted fruits collected from high yielding vines are planted in pits @ 2 – 3/pit.

After cultivation
Hoeing and weeding are done as and when necessary. At initiation of vine growth, stake the plants. Provide pandal at a height of 2m. Prune the plants to ground level during winter from second year after planting. In hills, pruning period is January. Apply 250 g of urea to each vine after pruning and at the time of flowering..
In hills, pruning is done during January. Apply 250 g of urea for each vine after pruning and at the time of flowering.

Plant protection
Pests, Scales, mealybugs and aphids
Spray dimethoate 30 EC 1 ml/l..

Fruit fly
1. Collect the damaged fruits and destroy.
2. The fly population is low in hot day condition and it is peak in rainy season. Hence adjust the sowing time accordingly.
3. Expose the pupae by ploughing.
4. Install cucurbit fruit fly trap @ 4/ acre.

Do not use copper and sulphur dust, as these are phytotoxic

Spray dimethoate 30 EC @ 1.5 ml/l or methyl demeton 25 EC @ 1.5 ml/l thrice at fortnightly intervals to control insect vector.

About 25 - 35 tonnes/ha.

Updated on December 2022
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