S. No. |
Name of FLD |
Progress made during this month |
1. |
Integrated Crop Management in semidry paddy |
Crop Harvested |
2. |
Popularization of Mechanization in Transplanted paddy |
Crop Harvested |
3. |
Integrated Crop Management for rainfed groundnut |
Crop Harvested |
4. |
Popularization of YRCH1 castor hybrid |
Crop at maturity stage |
5. |
Popularization of blackgram VBN(Bg)6 |
Report preparation is in progress |
6. |
Popularization of designer seed technique in black gram |
Completed |
7. |
Popularization of Co(Gg)7 green gram |
Completed |
8. |
Popularization of Co(Rg)7 Redgram |
Completed |
9. |
Popularization of Sustainable Sugarcane Initiative |
Crop at maturity stage |
10. |
Nutrient management in banana |
Third foliar application completed |
11. |
Nematode management in tuberose |
Yield parameters were recorded |
12. |
Management of cashew stem and root borer |
Data on re-infestation and infestation was recorded |
13. |
Popularization of fodder bank |
Third cutting yield recorded |
14. |
Popularization of Inland fisheries in farm ponds |
Fingerlings are 120 days old |
15. |
Popularization of MTPCA -2 Casurina clones |
Crops at seven months old. |