Jaivic Chhabutra (On farm Kitchen)
Soil nourishment (Bhumi Upchar) and Plant Growth Promotion
(All ingredients should be taken fresh) sowing of hybrids crops, which are high nutrient feeder and their continuous cropping results in macro and micro nutrient exhaustness (deficiency) in soil. Such type of soil deficiency can neutralize with Bhumi Upchar.
Application procedure/ implementation
- Put all the ingredients in drum
- Stir in thirty times clock-wise and thirty times anti clock wise (twice daily)
- Keep the drum closed
- Enriched panchagavya would become ready on 7th day
- Mix 100 liters of water and stir it properly
- Mix the mixture with vermin-compost or ash or fertile soil and spread it in the field before sowing.
During irrigation, make a hole in the drum (4” above the base) and set it so that dripping from drum starts and whole field will be nourished. By its application at the time of sowing and during irrigations, soil can maintain remain fertile.
- Soil health and fertility would revive
- Substantial yield may be maintains
- Crop will be healthy and free from pest infestation
- Crop would mature in time
The microbial load and nutrient status present in Panchagavya, Beejamrutha, Jeevamrutha and Bidigester are given in Table Nos. 1 and 2, respectively. The data indicates the presence of microflora especially nitrogen fixers and P-solubilizers (Table-1) in all the organic liquid manures in addition both major and micronutrients (Table-2). Presence of naturally occurring beneficial microorganisms predominantly Bacteria, Yeast, Actinomycetes, photosynthetic bacteria and certain fungi were detected in organic liquid manures that Panchakavya contains Azotobacter, Azospirillum and Phosphobacteria.
Table -1: Microbial load in different organic liquid manure
Organisms |
Colony count (cfu/ml) |
Panchagavya |
Beejamrutha |
Jeevamrutha |
Biodigester |
Bacteria |
26.1x105 |
15.4x105 |
20.4x105 |
12.9x105 |
Fungi |
18.0x103 |
10.5x103 |
13.8x103 |
9.2x103 |
Actinomycetes |
4.20x103 |
6.8x103 |
3.6x103 |
3.0x103 |
Phosphate solubilizing organisms |
5.70x102 |
2.7x102 |
4.5x102 |
1.0x102 |
Free living n2-fixers |
2.70x102 |
3.1x102 |
5.0x102 |
2.1x102 |
Table-2: Nutrient status of different organic liquid manures
Parameter |
Panchagavya |
Beejamrutha |
Jeevamrutha |
Biodigester |
pH |
6.82 |
8.2 |
7.07 |
7.29 |
Soluble salt (EC) dSm-1 |
1.88 |
5.5 |
3.40 |
1.09 |
Total Nitrogen per cent |
0.10 |
40 |
770 |
255 |
Total Phosphorus (ppm) |
175.4 |
155.4 |
166 |
79 |
Total Potassium (ppm) |
194.1 |
252.0 |
126 |
42 |
Total Zinc (ppm) |
1.27 |
2.96 |
4.29 |
0.52 |
Total Copper (ppm) |
0.38 |
0.52 |
1.58 |
1.24 |
Total Iron (ppm) |
29.71 |
15.35 |
282 |
9.60 |
Total Manganese (ppm) |
1.84 |
3.32 |
10.7 |
8.30 |
Enriched Panchagavya
Fresh cow dung : 1 kg,
Cow Urine : 3 lit,
Cow milk : 2 lit,
Curd : 2 lit,
Cow desi ghee : 1 kg,
Sugarcane juice : 3 lit,
Coconut water : 3 lit,
Banana paste : 12 fruits
Fermented material get ready within 7-10 days, it can apply @ 40-60 liter per acre uniformly in field with irrigation water. Regular application of any liquid manure nourished the soil physically and biologically and soil start self crop residues decomposition in-situ very rapidly. Within two to three years field soil get healthy and fertile for crop production system. |

Cow MilK |
Used for enriching the soil with microorganisms and quick residue decomposition.
- Mix 100-200 kg cow dung, 100-lit cow urine and 500 g jaggery in 300 lit of water in a 500 lit closed drum.
- Ferment for 10 days
- Dilute with 20 times water and sprinkle in one acre either as soil spray or along with irrigation water.
- Used as soil application either by sprinkling or by applying through irrigation water. Three applications are needed one before sowing, second after twenty days of sowing and third after 45 days of sowing.
- Take 100 liter water in barrel and add 10 kg cow dung plus 10 lit in cow urine.
- Mix well with the help of wooden stick add two kg jaggery and two kf of gram or any pulse flour mix this solution well with wooden stick.
- Keep this solution for fermentation for 5 to 7 days. Shake the solution regularly three times a day.
- Used as soil application either by sprinkling or by applying through irrigation water. Three applications are needed one before sowing, second after twenty days of sowing and third after 45 days of sowing.
Banyan Tree Soil
Shady soil of wild old Banyan tree (Bargad) with natural habitat of enormous birds and animals has the special quality for improving the agricultural soils due to having heavy microbial biomass. Where they release the excreta and soil is undisturbed. This soil contains huge amount of microbes i.e. bacteria, fungus, molds, protozoa and algae etc. all these microorganisms liberate no. of minerals, production of antibiotic substrate, synthesis plant growth promoter, plant growth regulator, cellulose decomposer and other pathogenic management causes and drives congenial environment to soil. Application of 20-kg/ acre shady soil incubated with vermin-compost for three days. After this the incubated soil applied as a fertilizer on berseem and other fodder crops. After 35 days the growth of biomass of fodder is excellent. Biomass and dry matter is found 1.5 times than conventional practices. |
Liquid bio-digested slurry : can also use directly in field with irrigation water |