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Post Harvest Technology :: Schemes and Trainings

Ministry of Food Processing Industries


No person shall carry on the business of a manufacture of fruit products including synthetic syrups, synthetic vinegar and aerated sweetened beverages except under and in accordance with the terms of an effective licence granted to him under FPO.

Category-wise area requirement, annual production limit and licence fee for one terms or part thereof (Ref. Clause 5(2) and part I(B) of the Second Schedule of Fruit Products Order, 1955

Category For manufacturing premises 
(In Sq. metres)
For storage and office purpose
(In sq. metres)
Licence fees for one term or part thereof Annual production permissible per calendar year
Home scale `B’ 25 25 Rs.100/- Upto 10 M.T.
Cottage scale 60 60 Rs.250/- Above 10 M.T. but less than 50 M.T.
Small scale `A’ 100 100 Rs.400/- Above 50 M.T. but less than 100 M.T. with installed capacity not exceeding 1 M.T./day.
Small scale `B’ 150 150 Rs.600/- Below 250 M.T. with installed capacity not exceeding 2 M.T. per day.
Large scale 300 300 Rs.1500/ Above 250 M.T. with installed capacity exceeding 2 M.T. per day.

Note :

(1) Area occupied by machinery shall not be more than 50% of the manufacturing area.

(2) The minimum height of the factory premises under Home Scale `B’ and Cottage Scale categories is 10 feet and for small scale & large scale categories 14 feet.

Every manufacturer shall manufacture fruit products in conformity with the sanitary requirements and appropriate standards of quality and composition specified in the Second Schedule of FPO.

The Second Schedule

Part 1(a) : Sanitary requirements of a factory of fruit products

  1.  The Premises shall be adequately lighted, ventilated & cleaned by white washing/colour washing or oil painting.
  2. Windows & all openings shall be well screened with wire-mesh & the doors fitted with automatic closing springs, roof shall be permanent, floor cemented.
  3. The equipments and the factory shall not be used for manufacture of repugnant products like fish, meat, eggs etc. However, permission may be granted as a special case if arrangements are made for disinfection of premises after changing from meat products to fruit products (one month idle gap will be required for changeover).
  4. The premises shall be located in a sanitary place with open surroundings, preferably in industrial area/estates.  The premises shall not be used as or communicated directly with residence.
  5. Adequate arrangements for cleaning equipments, machinery, containers tables and raw materials shall be provided.
  6. Copper, brass or iron equipments, containers or vessels are not permitted, in the preparation, packing or storage of fruit products, only aluminium, stainless steel, glass or tins equipment are allowed.
  7. The water used shall be potable and shall be got examined chemically and bacteriologically by a public Health Laboratory (if no municipal water is available at the premises).  The water sample should be drawn for such examination by the public Health Authority of the area where the premises is located or should be drawn in the presence of the above authority.  Free following tap water of 1 kilo litre per day shall be made available.
  8. Adequate drainage system and provisions for disposal of refuse shall be made.
  9. Sufficient number of latrine & urinals shall be provided for workers.
  10. Wherever cooking is done on open fire, proper outlets for so smoke/steam etc. like chimney, exhaust fan etc. shall be provided.
  11. The workers engaged in the factory shall be healthy and shall be medically examined, inoculated and vaccinated whenever required.
  12. The workers shall be provided with aprons, head-wars gloves etc. and shall be personally neat and tidy.

Part 1(B) : Qualifications of technical staff

Production shall be supervised by a person possessing one of the following qualifications:

Small scale:    

(1) B.Sc. with Chemistry/Agriculture as one of the subjects.

(2)  A Diploma or a certificate in fruit preservation or a course of at least 3 months duration from a recognized institution.

Large scale:  

  1. B.Sc.(Tech.) with Food Technology/Chemical Engineering with at least one year experience in fruit preservation factory.
  2. B.Sc. with CFTRI Diploma or Diploma of Kalamassery (Kerala Government) Polytechnic.
  3. B.Sc. with Chemistry/Agriculture with three years experience in fruit preservation factory.

Minimum equipments & machinery for unit operation

1. Washing of raw materials
  1. Rectangular tanks with false bottom of not less than 20 gallons capacity
2. Washing of bottles
  1. Tanks having not less than 40 gallons capacity.
  2. Bottle washing machine, brushes (*machine, rack, trolley).
  3. Buckets (* Sterlising tanks).
3. Preparation of Fruit/Vegetable.
  1. 2-1/2 Ft. high table with aluminium/ steel top having area not less than 20 Sq. ft.
  2. Not less than 12 trays.
  3. Stainless steel knives.
  4. Equipment for blanching
4. Juicing, pulping & Mixing
  1. Juice extractor of basket press (* pulping machine/hydraulic press).
  2. Steet sieve.
  3. Vessels of not less than 100 litres capacity.
5. Processing
  1. Furnace/Gas stoves (* Boiler)
  2. Vessels/Steam jacket kettle.
  3. Ladle.
  4. Thermometer,hydrometer (Refractometer)
  5. Sensitive balance for weighing chemicals, colour etc.
6. Fermentation
  1. Barrels/Carboys/Earthen jars.
7. Filling & sealing
  1. Mugs/Funnels (* Filling machine).
  2. Crown cork machine/R.O. sealing machine.
  3. Weighing balance.
8. Exhausting, Processing for cans & bottles.
  1. Tanks with crates/Exhaust Box.
  2. Double Seamer/Semi-automatic can sealer.
  3. Cooling tanks with crates/cranes.
  4. Pressure cooker/retorts/sterilizing equipments.
  5. Incubator/pressure can tester.
  6. * Pasteurizer.
9. Carbonation or aeration
  1. Power driver aerated machine or semi-automatic aerating and sealing machine.

Note - * Required for Small Scale and Large Scale units only.

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