Seed :: Pulses :: Bengal gram
Varietal Seed Production
Land requirement
  • Land should be free of volunteer plants. 
  • The previous crop should not be the same variety or other varieties of the same crop.
  • It can be the same variety if it is certified as per the procedures of certification agency

  • For certified / quality seed production leave a distance of 5 m all around the field from the same and other varieties of bengalgram.

Land Selection

Field view
Pod Formation

Pre-sowing treatment
  • Soak the seeds in 1% aqueous solution of KH2PO4 for 3-4 h at 1/3rd volume of seeds and are dried in shade.
  • Avoid bruchid-infected seed for seed purpose.
  • Seeds attain physiological maturity 35 – 40 days after anthesis.
  • Harvest the crop as once over harvest when 70 – 80% of pods are creamy in colour

Seed grading

  • Grade the seeds using 13/64” (5.2 mm) or 18/64" (7.2 mm) round perforated metal sieve depending on the variety
  • Dry the seeds to 8-10% moisture content.

Mature Bengal gram

Seed treatment
  • Slurry treat the seeds with carbendazim @ 2 g kg-1 of seed.
  • Slurry treat seeds also with halogen mixture (CaOCl2 + CaCO3 + arappu  (Albizzia amara) leaf powder mixed in the ratio of 5:4:1) @ 3g kg-1  of seed as eco – friendly treatment.
  • Store the seeds in gunny or cloth bags for short term storage (8-9 months) with seed moisture content of 8 - 9%.
  • Store the seeds in polylined gunny bag for medium term storage (12- 15 months) with seed moisture content of 8 – 9 %.
  • Store the seeds in 700 gauge polythene bag for long term storage (more than 15 months) with seed moisture content of less than 8%. 

The Professor and Head,
Department of Seed Science & Technology,
TNAU, Coimbatore-641003.

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