Seed :: Vegetables :: Chillies

June – July ; November – December

Seed rate

1 kg/ha.

Pre-sowing seed treatment
 Seed fortification with 1000 ppm gelatin or 2 % KNO3 or 200 ppm salicylic acid (soaking in equal the volume for
12 h) followed by coating with carbendazim (2 g / kg) + imidachloprid (6 g / kg) + polymer (20 g / kg) of seed in 40 ml of water

Chilly seed

Chilly - Flower
Chilly - Fruit

Nursery treatment
 The nursery is drenched with Metham sodium @ 28 ml/sq.m.(VEPAM) 15 days before sowing for controlling the nematodes. After 7 days, to prevent damping off, the soil is drenched with copper oxychloride @2.5 g/lit.

Age of seedling

35 – 40 days.



FYM: 25 t/ha, 140:70:70 kg NPK/ha.

Top dressing

50 kg N 15 days after transplanting, 50 kg N 45 days after transplanting and 40 kg N 90 days after transplanting.

Foliar application

At 65 and 75 days after transplanting NAA @ 20 ppm is sprayed to prevent flower drop.

Seeds attain physiological maturity 40 - 45 days after flowering.
The fruits are harvested when they turn to capsicum red in colour.
Fruits obtained from first 5 to 6 pickings alone are used for seed extraction

Seed extraction
Dried fruits are filled in gunny or cloth bag and threshed with a pliable bamboo stick or chilli seed extractor and seeds are separated from the fruit pulp.


Seeds are graded with BSS 8 x 8 wire mesh sieve or 8/64 round perforated metal sieve (3.1 mm)


Seed yield
 350 – 400 kg/ha

Seeds dried to 7 - 8 % moisture content and treated with carbendazim 50 % WP @ 2 g / kg seed or Halogen formulation (Bleaching powder + CaCO3 + arappu leaf powder @ 5:4:1) @ 3 g / kg seed can be stored upto10 months in cloth bag and upto 18 months in moisture vapour proof containers. Intact pods can also be stored upto 20 months
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