Biological Control of Helicoverpa armigera in Cotton and Chickpea |
Cultivation of Rabi Medicinal Plants |
Higher Income from Cultivation of off-season Vegetables in the Hills |
Seed Potato Production (From field preparation to harvesting) |
Hybrid Rice Seed Production Technology |
Integrated Pest Management in Rice |
Quality Protein Maize (QPM) for Improved Nutrition |
Cotton Plant by-products and their Utilization |
Success story of IPM in Rainfed Cotton |
Backyard Rearing of Improved Nicobari Fowis for Increased Income |
Weed Control in Cropping System |
Honey Production for Additional
Employment and Income Generation |
Year Round Fodder Production |
Fishing Nets-Fabrication and Maintenance |
Shrimp Culture |
Reservoir Fisheries Management |
Freshwater Prawn Hatcheries |
Farming of Jewels from the Sea (Marine Pearl Culture) |
Catfish Farming |
Himalayan Mahseer Breeding and Culture |
Animal Health Care (Diagnostics for Control and Eradication of Diseases - FMD, HS, PPR and Avian Diseases) |
Hygienic Meat and Meat Product Processing and Packaging |
Hygienic Milk and Milk Product Processing and Packaging |
Sheep Rearing for Carpet and
Fine Wool Production |
Pig Production-High Focus in North-East Region |
Rural Poultry Production for Income and Household Nutritional Security |
Improving Quality and Utilisation of Poor Quality Roughages |
Mineral Mixture for Increased Animal Productivity |
Garole Khatha (Garole Sheep Farming for incresed Income) |
Vermi-composting using Plantation material Waste |
Water resources Management Under Rainfed Farming Through Commuity Action |
Vermi-composting for Bio-fertilisation |
Drainage for Reclamation of Waterlogged Saline Soils |
Resource Conservation Technologies for Increasing Wheat Production |
Organic Farming for Sustainability and Profitability |
Efficient Use of Water in Agriculture |
Coping with Intermittent Drought Spells |
Cultivation of Horticultural Crops in Arid Zone |
Protected Cultivation of Capsicum and Tomato |
Production of Quality Vegetable Seedlings |
Post Harvest Management of Onion and Garlic |
Reducing Drudgery of Farm Women in Farm Operations |
Construction and Environment control of Greenhouses |
Mechanised Sugarcane Production: Save Labour and Earn More |