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Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Virudhunagar District  

Major problems in the district

  1. Repeated cultivation of local varieties
  2. Lack of knowledge on HYV
  1. Incidences of pest and diseases
    1. Poor yield
    2. Flower drop
    3. Lack of knowledge on increasing the yield through biofertilizers
    4. 2.Drought
    5. Lack of awareness on moisture conservation techniques
  2. Poor filling of pods in pulses
    1. Increased incidence of pest thrips
    2. Low yield
    3. Lack of knowledge on package of packages
    4. Deficiency of micronutrient in soil
    5. Low organic matter content in soil
    6. Lack of knowledge on application of inorganic fertilizer
  3. Lack of knowledge on preparation of planting materials
    1. Lack of awareness on goat breeds suitable for rainfed areas
    2. Lack of knowledge on clean meat production
  4. Ignorance on value addition of milk
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