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TNAU Agritech Portal :: Nutrition
Introduction What's New
Nutrition Diseases
Definition Normal Blood Count & Basic Chemistry Deficiency Diseases Common Diseases
Nutrition and Health
Recommended Dietary Allowance
Diet Nutritive Value of Foods Cooking Tips

Omega 3 fatty acid found in oily fishes, walnuts, almonds and sunflower seeds and olive oil.

Tea (without milk & sugar) is rich in antioxidants, help in reducing effects of ageing and wrinkles.

Coconut Oil- The lauric acid present in coconut oil helps to increase the HDL cholesterol, which is beneficial for the circulatory system.

Ginger - Ginger contains the vital minerals-chromium, magnesium and zinc, which help in maintaining normal blood circulation.

Tomatoes -The lycopene present in tomatoes prevents age-related osteoporosis in women, reduce cholesterol , cancers of the lungs, stomach and prostate.

Avocados are rich in vitamin E, which reduces the damage of UVA and UVB rays on the skin.

Onions aid in maintaining normal respiration in common cold by helping to soothe chest congestion.

Soy products rich in proteins and isoflavones, which facilitate growth of new skin cells and prevent signs of ageing

Summer Foods
Herbs for Diabetes
Summer Drinks
Sensory Evaluation
Recent Updates
Dietary Guidelines for Indians
Estimating the Cost of Direct Nutrition Interventions
FSP - Contribution of Information Sources on Purchase of Agricultural Inputs
FSP - Discussion: Increasing Production and Consumption of Pulses
FSP - Improving Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices in Bihar
FSP - India Health Report on Nutrition 2015
Food security portal
COP21 Agreement Reached
Discussions on food security at
Good Nutrition for All: Are We There Yet?
Nutrition-Sensitive Agricultural Programming
Nutrition Programmes of India
Dietary Guidelines for Indians

National Health portal

FAO - Food and Nutrition in Numbers-2014
Akshaya Poshan - The Nutrition Resource Platform (NRP)
Nutrition Policies in Developing CountriesChallenges and Highlights
CFTRI - Mysore
National Institute of Nutrition - Hyderabad
Improving Nutrition through Agriculture
Related Websites
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