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Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Nagapattinam District  

Front Line Demonstration 2010-2011

Name of the KVK

Title of the FLD


  1. Mechanization in Rice
  2. Popularization of CORH 3 Hybrid Rice under SRI

      3.   IPDM for Samba rice

4.  Popularization of mobile sprinkler in rice fallow  pulses and oil seeds
      5. Popularization of Murrel culture in inland fisheries
      6. Popularization of PKM 1 Moringa in deltoic alluvial soil
      7. Farmers’ participatory seed production in groundnut
      8. Popularization of fodder bank at village level
      9. Popularization of low cost poultry egg incubator
     10. Promotion of Backyard poultry to improve the livelihood of farm women.
    11. Protected Cultivation of vegetables under shade net during off season
    12. ICM using bio- inoculants in rice




Special Technologies