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Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Nagapattinam District  

On Farm Trail 2010-2011

Title of the OFT

Technological options

Assessing different weeders in SRI

i. Hand weeding    (FP)

ii. Cono weeder (TNAU)

iii.TNAU Power weeder (TNAU)

iv.Modified power weeder 1row
(KVK, Madurai)

Management of False Smut disease in Samba paddy

i. No  rophylactic spray of fungicides (FP)

ii. Spraying Copper hydroxide (Cocide) @200 ml/acre) (TNAU)

iii.Spraying Propiconozole             @ 200 ml/acre (ICAR)

iv.Spraying Super Pseudomonas @2.5 Kg/ha (TNAU)

v.Spraying Carbendzim + Mancozeb  @  1Kg/ha

Polyculture in inland fisheries in Delta region using stunted finger lings

i.Stunted Fingerlings of Fresh water fish Carp varieties (composite fish culture)
@ 2500/ac (TANUVAS)

ii.Stunted Fingerlings of Carp varieties with fresh water Prawn
(Macrobrackium spp) (Poly fish culture)
@ 2500+2500/ac

Evaluation of submergence tolerance rice varieties for samba season

  1. Local
  2. CR 1009
  3. Subswarna 1

Area Specific Mineral Mixture for Dairy cows

i. Farmers  practice (No/irregular mineral supplementation)

ii.Mineral Mixture
30-50 g/day continuously for one year from the day after calving TANUVAS

iii.Area specific Mineral Mixture
30-50 g/day continuously for one year from the day after calving

Special Technologies