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Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Salem District  

On Farm Trial 2010-2011

Title of  OFT

Technological options

Assessment of Suitable Weeders in SRI

i. Farmer’s practice-
Cono weeder

ii. Farmer’s practice
Rotary weeder

iii. Power operated two row weeder

iv. Power operated two row        weeder (madurai)

Evaluation of planting method in Red gram

i. Farmer’s practice
  Direct sowing

ii. Raised bed Nursery

iii.Polybag seedlings

Assessment of foliar spray in
Sugarcane for higher productivity in SSI-133 clone

i. Farmer’s practice-
No foliar spray

ii. Foliar spray TNAU Sugarcane booster at 45th, 60th and 75th DAP@2,3 and 4 kg/ac respectively+SSI-133 clone

iii. Foliar spray of MN mixture at 45th, 60th and 75th DAP@ 0.5,1.0 and 2.0% respectively+SSI-133 clone

RDF (1:1:1.5 kg NPK / tree)

i.RDF (1:1:1.5 kg NPK / tree)

ii. RDF and Mango special spraying (5-10g /lit) as follows
November (Pre bloom)
December (bloom)
January (Post bloom)

iii. RDF  + Urea 0.5 % during Feb. +  spraying of 20-40 g of SOP  / litre of water on
I sprayPeanut stage
II and III spray
15 days after I and II spray

Assessment of mixed fodder model

i. Mono cropping of fodder

ii Cultivation of guinea grass + Hedge Lucerne as a mixed crop under irrigated condition

iii. Cutivation of Kolukaatai grass + Stylo as a mixed crop under irrigated condition

Management of infertility in cross breed cows


i.Repeated artificial insemination

ii.Deworming,supplementation of mineral @ 50g/day for 3 months & injection of tonophosphan

iii.Estrus synchronization with PGF2 and fixed time A1 after 72 hours


Special Technologies