Description of Agro-climatic Zone & major agro ecological situations (based on soil and topography)
S. No |
Agro-climatic Zone |
Characteristics |
1 |
Sub zone IV– Cauvery Delta Zone |
Agriculture -70%cauvery river water dependant |
S. No |
Agro ecological situation |
Characteristics |
1 |
Hot sub-humid to hot semi-arid ecosystem
[Coastal ecosystem (10%) & semi-arid ecosystem (90%)]
Eastern Ghats crop growing period-90 to 120 days
Eastern coastal plain crop growing period-90 to 210 days |
Tropical crops& seasonal sub tropical crops grown |
Soil type/s
S. No |
Soil type |
Characteristics |
Area in ha |
1 |
Sandy Clay Loam |
Moderately well drained, fine loamy, friable slightly sticky and non plastic, few fine tubular random pores, dark brown colour, pH 6.8 to 7.5 |
1, 01,561 |
2 |
Sandy loam |
Moderately well to poorly drained, fine loamy, calcareous, alkaline, grayish brown, friable non sticky and non plastic, common medium pores, pH 5.8 to 9.0 |
1, 30,772 |
3 |
Clay |
Poorly drained, fine calcareous, very deep, strong coarse subangular blocky, very hard firm very sticky and plastic, Greyish brown colour, pH 7.4 to 7.8 |
51,449 |
4 |
Loamy sand |
Well Drained , fine loamy , very deep, no calcareous, structureless, single grained, loose very friable nonsticky and nonplastic, clear smooth boundary, strong coarse sub angular blocky, common very fine tubular pores, pH 6.2 to 7.8 |
38,469 |