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Bakthavatsalam Memorial Trust Krishi Vigyan Kendra (BMT-KVK), Thanjavur District | Weather |
SUCCESS STORIES Success story of a confident woman This is the story of an enterprising lady named Mrs. Tamil Mani. She felt that she should supplement her family income, so that the economic standards of her family could be raised. Being a poor lady she just completed 12 th standard due to Acute income stress and was earning her bread on sales of Milk to the society. She doesn’t know how to raise her family income. One day she came to know about the training programmes conducted at BMT-KVK, Thanjavur. In our BMT-KVK we organized a three days Entrepreneurship Development training programme about the preparation of Homecare products like candle, computer sambirani and Masala powders. She was very much interested in starting her own cottage industry during her spare time. The scientist at KVK advised her to attend the training programme for manufacturing of candle. She completed the training and encouraged other ladies like Amutha (Manaiyeripatti) , Malathi (Katthadipatti) to produce the candles. Then we advised to visit National self employment unit at Trichy. After visiting this unit they joined together and started a candle production unit. The name of the unit was IMAIGAL. From National self Employment unit they purchased all the raw materials and Molds for making candles. Economic Gains Now they earn Rs.60 for producing 1 kg of candles. Each one of them can able to produce two to three kg’s of candles per day. So totally they earn at least Rs.1800/- per month. Now they were satisfied for their economic upliftment. Now all the produced candles are sold to the National self employment unit itself. Impact of Vocational Training on Tailoring In order to find out the impact of skilled development training on tailoring conducted for rural women and youth, 80 beneficiaries were selected randomly and survey was conducted by using interview method. Five aspects of tailoring like embroidery, garment making, sari painting, and Decorating work by using different types of stitches, computer designing for garments and bags taught to the rural handicapped and school dropped out women. Out of 80, thirty two started tailoring unit after getting training on tailoring. With the help of District disabled rehabilitation officer twenty of them got tailoring machine from the collector. Remaining others purchased machine and earning Rs. 1500/- per month. Sixteen have started painting saris and garments twenty of them selected by Textile Company from vallam for computer designing. Now they are earning Rs.2500/- per month. |
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