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CENDECT Krishi Vigyan Kendra (CENDECT-KVK), Theni District  

On Farm Trial 2010-2011

Title of the OFT

Technological Options

Assessment of Suitable Planting Method in Banana for higher profitability

  1. Planting at the spacing of 1.5x1.5m (single suckers=4400plants/ha)
  2. High density planting  at the spacing of  1.2x1.2m pair row method of planting with the spacing of 2 m with single suckers(5250 suckers/ha). Source: TNAU,Coimbatore
  3. High density planting with the spacing of 1.8 x 3.6 (three suckers per pit=4630 suckers/ha). Source: NRCB,Trichy

Assessment of Management of Downy Mildew  in Grapes

  1. Application of Copper oxychloride 3 gm per liter of water spray at an interval of 7 days
  2. Spray of 1% Bordeaux mixture Source: TNAU,Coimbatore
  3. Four Spray of Copper hydroxide 2gm/lt at 15-20 days interval to cover entire rainy period. Source: NRCG

Assessment of Management of Phytopthora Wilt in Betel vine

  1. Cultivation of local varieties, water stagnation and improper use of agrochemicals
  2. Adoption of resistant variety Sirugamani -1, Selection of planting sets from unaffected vine. Source: TNAU,Coimbatore

iii. Integrated Method for the Management of Phytophthora Wilt:
1.Apply 150 kg N/ha/year  through Neem Cake (75 Kg N) and Urea (75 Kg N) and 100 kg P2O5 through Super phosphate and 30 kg Muriate of potash in 3 split doses first at 15 days after lifting the vines and second and third dose at 40-45 days intervals. Apply on beds, shade dried neem leaves or Calotrophis leaves at 2 t/ha and cover it with mud (2 t in 2 split doses)
2.Drench Bordeaux mixture  1% in basins formed around the vine at monthly intervals starting from October – January, three times soil drench and six times spray from June-July
3.During winter season avoid frequent irrigation
4.Remove the affected vines way from the garden and burn them
5.Application of Alliette (Chlorathalonil)  3 g/lt 4 times monthly intervals
6.Application of Trichoderma Viride @ 5 g/vine Source: TNAU,Coimbatore

Assessment of Management of Brown Leaf Spot in Paddy

  1. Soil application of Pseudomonas fluroscens @ 2.5 kg/ha before transplanting + Seedling treatment with P. fluroscens @ 2.5 kg/ hectare + Foliar application of P. fluroscens @ 1 kg/ha and 45 days after planting + Spraying Mancozeb 45 WP @ 2gm /litre with the help of hand operated knapsack sprayer. Source: TNAU,Coimbatore
  2. Seed treatment with P fluroscens @ 10g/ kgs of seeds + Seedling treatment with P. fluroscens @ 2.5 kg/ hectare @ Application of  P. fluroscens @ 1 kg/ acre at 30 days after transplanting @ Foliar application  of P. fluroscens @ 2.5 kg/ hectare at 45 DAT + Spraying Tricyclazole 75 WP @ 1gm /lit with the help of hand operated knapsack sprayer. Source: CRRI, Cuttack

Performance and suitability of different weeders in SRI

  1. Cono weeder
  2. Rotary weeder
  3. Multi row Power weeder
  4. Power weeder (MDU model)

Performance assessment of French beans varieties (Arka komal, Arka suvidha and Arka anoop)

  1. Arka komal
  2. Arka anoop

Leaf reddening management in SVPR 2i cotton

  1. Basal application of MgSO4 @20 kg/ha,Foliar application of 5% MgSO4
  2. Basal application of MgSO4 @20 kg/ha, Foliar application of 3% MgSO4

Assessment of oral pellet vaccination in desi chicken

  1. Vaccination with ranikhet vaccine
  2. Oral Ranikhet vaccine in desi chicken

Area specific mineral mixture for Dairy Cows

  1. No/Irregular mineral supplementation
  2. Mineral Mixture
  3. Area specific Mineral Mixture

Assessment of Suitable Planting Method in Redgram

  1. Conventional method of Redgram cultivation: Generally Broadcasting of redgram seeds in ploughed land without application of basal fertilizers and foliar spray
  2. Seeds dibbling by hand recommended by TNAU
  3. Seedlings raised in Polythene bags & transplanted in mainfield Source: UAS,Dharwad
Special Technologies