Title of the OFT |
Technological Options |
Assessment of Suitable Planting Method in Banana for higher profitability |
- Planting at the spacing of 1.5x1.5m (single suckers=4400plants/ha)
- High density planting at the spacing of 1.2x1.2m pair row method of planting with the spacing of 2 m with single suckers(5250 suckers/ha). Source: TNAU,Coimbatore
- High density planting with the spacing of 1.8 x 3.6 (three suckers per pit=4630 suckers/ha). Source: NRCB,Trichy
Assessment of Management of Downy Mildew in Grapes |
- Application of Copper oxychloride 3 gm per liter of water spray at an interval of 7 days
- Spray of 1% Bordeaux mixture Source: TNAU,Coimbatore
- Four Spray of Copper hydroxide 2gm/lt at 15-20 days interval to cover entire rainy period. Source: NRCG
Assessment of Management of Phytopthora Wilt in Betel vine |
- Cultivation of local varieties, water stagnation and improper use of agrochemicals
- Adoption of resistant variety Sirugamani -1, Selection of planting sets from unaffected vine. Source: TNAU,Coimbatore
iii. Integrated Method for the Management of Phytophthora Wilt:
1.Apply 150 kg N/ha/year through Neem Cake (75 Kg N) and Urea (75 Kg N) and 100 kg P2O5 through Super phosphate and 30 kg Muriate of potash in 3 split doses first at 15 days after lifting the vines and second and third dose at 40-45 days intervals. Apply on beds, shade dried neem leaves or Calotrophis leaves at 2 t/ha and cover it with mud (2 t in 2 split doses)
2.Drench Bordeaux mixture 1% in basins formed around the vine at monthly intervals starting from October – January, three times soil drench and six times spray from June-July
3.During winter season avoid frequent irrigation
4.Remove the affected vines way from the garden and burn them
5.Application of Alliette (Chlorathalonil) 3 g/lt 4 times monthly intervals
6.Application of Trichoderma Viride @ 5 g/vine Source: TNAU,Coimbatore |
Assessment of Management of Brown Leaf Spot in Paddy |
- Soil application of Pseudomonas fluroscens @ 2.5 kg/ha before transplanting + Seedling treatment with P. fluroscens @ 2.5 kg/ hectare + Foliar application of P. fluroscens @ 1 kg/ha and 45 days after planting + Spraying Mancozeb 45 WP @ 2gm /litre with the help of hand operated knapsack sprayer. Source: TNAU,Coimbatore
- Seed treatment with P fluroscens @ 10g/ kgs of seeds + Seedling treatment with P. fluroscens @ 2.5 kg/ hectare @ Application of P. fluroscens @ 1 kg/ acre at 30 days after transplanting @ Foliar application of P. fluroscens @ 2.5 kg/ hectare at 45 DAT + Spraying Tricyclazole 75 WP @ 1gm /lit with the help of hand operated knapsack sprayer. Source: CRRI, Cuttack
Performance and suitability of different weeders in SRI |
- Cono weeder
- Rotary weeder
- Multi row Power weeder
- Power weeder (MDU model)
Performance assessment of French beans varieties (Arka komal, Arka suvidha and Arka anoop) |
Leaf reddening management in SVPR 2i cotton |
- Basal application of MgSO4 @20 kg/ha,Foliar application of 5% MgSO4
- Basal application of MgSO4 @20 kg/ha, Foliar application of 3% MgSO4
Assessment of oral pellet vaccination in desi chicken |
- Vaccination with ranikhet vaccine
- Oral Ranikhet vaccine in desi chicken
Area specific mineral mixture for Dairy Cows |
- No/Irregular mineral supplementation
- Mineral Mixture
- Area specific Mineral Mixture
Assessment of Suitable Planting Method in Redgram |
- Conventional method of Redgram cultivation: Generally Broadcasting of redgram seeds in ploughed land without application of basal fertilizers and foliar spray
- Seeds dibbling by hand recommended by TNAU
- Seedlings raised in Polythene bags & transplanted in mainfield Source: UAS,Dharwad