Title of the OFT |
Technological options |
Performance evaluation of Red gram varieties |
i. Farmers practice
ii. APK1 with RDF
iii. CO(Rg)7 with RDF |
Soil test based IPNS in chilli |
i. Farmers were applied 17:17:17 complex fertilizer @300kg/ha
ii. Recommended dose of NPK (Source: TNAU)
iii Soil test based nutrient management |
Assessment of efficient mechanical weeding in SRI |
i. Rotary weeder
ii. Cono weeder
iii. using multi row power weeder for SRI |
Study on foliar nutrition in Jasmine |
i. Not applying recommended dose of fertilizer as foliar nutrients
ii. Recommended dose of fertilizer application and foliar application
iii Fertilizer dose of 60:0120: 120 g NPK/plant + foliar spray (DAP 2%, MOP 100 g, Ferrous sulphate 50 g, boric acid 30 g,
planofix 10 ml in 10 lit of water – 7 times) |
Management of post partum anestrum in crossbred cows |
i. Conventional method
ii. Deworming and Supplementation of TANUVAS area specific mineral mixture
iii Deworming and Supplementation of TANUVAS area specific mineral mixture + Vitamin A injection |
Management of pseudostem weevil in Banana |
i. Spraying of chemical insecticides
ii. Injection of 45 and 150 cm in the pseudostem at monthly interval from 5th to 8th month
iii Injecting Azadirachtin 10000 ppm (1:4 ratio) @ 2ml/plant at heights viz., 45cm & 150 cm in the pseudostem at monthly interval from 5th to 8th months |
Control of Ranikhet Disease in Desi Chicken |
i. No vaccination or vaccination at 8th to 10th week with RDVK vaccine at veterinary dispensaries
ii. 1.Lasota vaccine – Eye drops – 7th and 14th day
2.RDKV – Subcutaneous 8th and 16th week
iii 1.Oral Pellet Ranikhet vaccine on the 7th to 14th day
2.RDKV – subcutaneous 8th an d 16th week |