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Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Tiruvallur District  

Agro –climatic Zone : North Eastern Zone

Tiruvallur district lies between 12°15’ and 13° 15’ Northern latitude and 79° 15’ and 80°20’ of Eastern longitude. It is situated at an altitude of 39.47m MSL. The district recorded rainfall of 1287 mm between October 2006 and September 2007. Mean maximum temperature of 32.9°C and mean minimum temperature of 23.3° C. Relative humidity ranged from 81 % to maximum of 95 %. 

Soil type/s

The predominant soil types are sandy loam, red, non-calcareous and coastal alluvial. The soil found in the coastal region is of the erinaceous type (sandy)




Special Technologies