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Vedapuri Krishi Vigyan Kendra (VKVK), Thiruvannamalai District

Front Line Demonstration 2010-2011

Title of the FLD

Popularization of CORH 3 in SRI method

Popularization of drought mitigation technologies in pulses

Popularization of improved brinjal hybrid COBH2

Popularization of improved snake gourd variety –PLR(SG)  2

Management of blast in paddy

Management of shoot and fruit borer in brinjal

Popularization  of CO-(R)  49 paddy

Total mechanization in  paddy

Popularization of improved tomato hybrid – arka ananya

Yield maximization through foliar nutrition in banana

Popularization of fodder in silvipasture system

Management of endo & ecto parasitic infestation in sheep & goat

Popularization of community based incubator among alternative poultry farmers

Popularization of crida vegetable preservator

Demonstration on mechanical banana fiber extraction

Popularization of matchwood (melia dubia)

Integrated Crop Management practices in groundnut

Integrated Crop Management practices in blackgram

Special Technologies