Sl. No. |
Major crops and enterprises being practiced |
Major problems identified |
1 |
Paddy |
Improper crop cultivation |
Stress during planting |
Imbalanced nutrition |
Incidence of stem borer and leaf folder |
2 |
Groundnut |
Repeated use of own seeds |
Imbalanced nutrition |
Improper pest management |
3 |
Sugarcane |
Burning of trashes, |
Poor soil fertility management |
4 |
Black gram |
Repeated use of own seeds |
Imbalanced nutrition |
5 |
Sesame |
Repeated use of own seeds |
Imbalanced nutrition |
6 |
Field crops |
Lack of knowledge on organic cultivation methods |
7 |
Brinjal, Chillies &
Tomato |
Improper nutrition |
Low seed germination with high seedling mortality |
Cultivation of local varieties |
Flower drop |
Incidence of Shoot borer(brinjal) |
Lack of organic addition |
8 |
Bhendi |
Poor quality fruits (Irregular, small) |
Lack of awareness on women friendly equipments |
9 |
bitter gourd and snake gourd) |
More no.of male flowers production |
Lack of bio fertilizers and micro nutrients application |
Imbalanced nutrition |
Fruit cracking (watermelon) |
Incidence of fruit fly |
10 |
Vegetables |
Lack of knowledge on organic cultivation & advanced production techniques |
11 |
Calf |
Calf mortality |
12 |
Cow |
Anoestrus in dairy cows |
Low productivity of dairy cattle |
Lack of veterinary services in rural areas |
13 |
Sheep |
Helminthic parasitic diseases |
Loss due to sheep mortality |
14 |
Backyard poultry |
Low productivity of country bird |
15 |
Kapok |
Low productivity per unit area |
16 |
Casuarina |
Low productivity and remuneration per unit area |
17 |
Jatropha |
Low productivity |