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Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Tiruchirappalli District  

On Farm Trail 2010-2011

Title of the OFT

Technological options

Assessment of micro-sprinkler irrigation in Rice fallow pulses (Black gram)

No irrigation – residual moisture

Irrigation by mini mobile sprinkler


Assessment of planting method in red gram


Raising of seedlings through nursery bed

Seedlings raised in  polybags and transplanted

Performance assessment of ‘Micronutrient mixtures’ on Banana

No micronutrients application

Spray micronutrients viz., ZnSO4 (0.5%), FeSO4 0.2%), CuSO4 (0.2%) and H3BO3 (0.1%) at 3, 5 and 7 MAP

Application of Banana Sakthi @ 10 g per tree at 5 months after sucker plantation if the soil pH is < 8.5.
Foliar spraying of Banana sakthi @ 2 % at 4, 5 and 6 MAP if the soil pH is > 8.5

Foliar spraying of micronutrient formulation @ 0.5% at 5,6,7 MAP and at one month after bunch emergence

Assessment of food baits for the management of African giant snail (Achatina fulica) in Jasmine

Sprinkling of salt

Dichlorvos bait @ 2.5 kg/ha with fresh cabbage leaves as attractant
(Bait: Wheat flour 1kg+Jaggery 0.2kg+Dichlorvos 250ml)

Methomyl bait @ 2.5 kg/ha with fresh cabbage leaves as attractant
(Bait: Rice bran 1kg+Jaggery 0.2kg+Methomyl 100g)

Management of foot rot in betelvine

Spraying mancozeb 2g/lit

Premonsoon Soil drenching 1 % of Bordeaux mixture @  1lit + 0.5 g Streptocyclin – Soil application of Trichoderma viride 1 kg+ 100 kg FYM +10 kg neem cake (once in three months)

Premonsoon Soil drenching 1 % of Bordeaux mixture @  1lit + 0.5 g Streptocyclin – Soil application of Pseudomonas fluroscens 1 kg+ 100 kg FYM +10 kg neem cake (once in three months)

Assessment of micronutrients and growth promoters requirement on the productivity of Betel vine

No micronutrients and growth promoters application

Foliar spraying of Triacontanol @ 500 ppm at 30 days interval from 5th month (3 times) and
ZnSO4 @ 0.5 % foliar spraying at 7th month.

Foliar spraying of amino acids and GA @ 50 ppm at 5th month and second spraying at 30 days interval.
Rexolin @ 0.5 % at 7th month found to increase leaf area and vine growth

Performance assessment of elm and oyster mushroom in Tiruchirappalli district

Farmers practice - Oyster mushroom production ( APK1)

Elm mushroom (Hypsizygus ulmarius) production

Assessment of sugarcane varieties for quality juice

Farmers practice (CoC671)

Sugar cane variety - CoSi(SC)7 and assessing the storage stability of the juices

Sugar cane variety - Co86032 and assessing the storage stability of the juices

Effect of polythene mulch in watermelon production and quality under precision farming

No mulching

Plastic mulch

Control of ranikhet disease in desi chicken

No vaccination or vaccination at 8th to 10th week with RDKV vaccine at veterinary dispensaries

Lasota vaccine – eye drops- 7th and 14th day
RDKV- subcutaneous 8th and 16th week

Oral pellet vaccine on the 7th to 14th day
RDKV-subcutaneous 8th and 16th week

Standardization of High density planting methods for wet land Banana var. Nendran (R)

Spacing of  2.1x2.1m (2267 plants per ha)

2 m x 3 m three suckers (5000 plants/ha)

2 m x 2.5 m two suckers (4000 plants/ha)

Special Technologies