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Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Vellore District  

On Farm Trial 2010-2011                       

Crop /

Technology to be assessed

No. of

Technology Option

Parameters to be recorded





Assessment of efficient mechanical weeding practice in SRI


Use of single row cono weeder for weeding

Use of  two row finger type paddy rotary weeder

Weeding with three row power weeder for SRI developed by TNAU and released during 2009

Cost of weeding operation
Labour required for weeding
Drudgery involved in  weeding
Time saving in %
Cost saving in %


Management of Chillies pest and disease complex


Chemical control with carbendazim and synthetic pyrethroids

Spraying of Mancozeb @2g/lit at 15 days interval from the first appearance of the symptom
Setup Pheromone trap@12 no/ha
Spraying of chlorpyriphos@2ml/lit

Azadiractin @ 2ml/lit on 25th DAT.
Difenaconazole – 0.5ml/lit – 35 (need based) and 60 DAT
Imidacloprid@2 ml/lit (need based)
P. fluorescens@ 10g/lt on 40 DAT
Flubendiamide 25ga.i./ha
Setup Pheromone trap@12 no/ha

Disease incidence
Pod borer incidence

Pulse –Black gram

Assessment of the performance of the pulse wonder in Pulses


Basal application of fertilizer 18 kg of N and 40 kg of P2O5

Spraying of 2% DAP at flowering stage
Blackgram (VBN 5) Seed @ 20kg/ha


Black gram (VBN 5) Seed@20kg/ha
Spraying Pulse Wonder 6.25 kg/ha at flowering stage
NAA@40ppm on pre flowering and 15 days after 1st spray

No of the pods / plant
Cost Benefit Ratio

Red gram

Assessment of planting method in Red gram


Direct sowing

Direct sowing with seed treatment (Rhizobium, Trichoderma,Phosphobacteria), NAA and DAP Spray, Pulse wonder and thiodicarb spray

Seedlings raised in polybags and transplanted on 25-28 DAS  seed treatment (Rhizobium, Trichoderma,Phosphobacteria), NAA and DAP Spray, Pulse wonder and thiodicarb spray

No of plant per m2
No of  pods/plant
Cost Benefit Ratio


Control of Ranikhet disease in desi chicken

50 Units

No vaccination

1. Lasota vaccine-eye drops 7th and 14 th day
2. RDVK vaccine subcutaneously on 8th and 16th week

1. Oral pellet Ranikhet vaccine 7th and 14th day
2. RDVK vaccine subcutaneously on 8th and 16th

Mortality %
Disease incidence BCR


Area specific mineral mixture for dairy cows

14 Units

No mineral mixture supplementation

TANUVAS mineral mixture 30-50 g/day -365 days

Area specific TANUVAS mineral mixture 30-50 g/day-365 days

Milk yield
Onset of first oestrum after calving
No. of inseminations for one conception


Special Technologies