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Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Vellore District  

Success Stories

Vocational training on mushroom cultivation was conducted to Self Help Group from Virinjipuram and Pogai villages and feed back was obtained. A group of 7 trainees belonging to this group started a small unit with the help of technical know how obtained from the vocational training. Initially the unit was started with 40 beds of Oyster mushroom spawn obtained from KVK, Virinjipuram in a thatched shed of area 200 ft2. Emergence of buds started in 25 days and first harvest was carried out on 27th  day after seeding. A quantity of 35 kg of mushroom was obtained and it was sold to hotels in Vellore and it generated an income of Rs. 1750.00. Subsequently, the trainees could not continue the mushroom production due microbial contamination. During the advisory service visit of KVK scientists, the causes for contamination were identified and remedies were suggested to eliminate the contamination. Based on the suggestion, the group has rejuvenated the mushroom production by following improved techniques for disinfecting the culture rooms and using uninfected paddy straw.

Title                                                     :           Mushroom Cultivation in rural area

Background                                        :           Rural Marketing

Interventions Process & Technology  :           Commercial Spawn and mushroom



Horizontal Spread                   :           30 members. The technology has a wide

spread impact both in terms of family

employment generation and economic gains


Economic gains                       :           Rs.1750/month/member

Employment Generation         :           30

Functional linkage with different organizations

Name of organization

Nature of linkage

Farmers’ Training Centre, Vellore

Conducting basic training programmes and farmers’ day

Department of Agriculture, Vellore

Conducting training programmes, FLD, OFT, demonstration, monthly zonal meeting and joint implementation of block demo and farmers field school under ICDP and  ISOPOM on pulses, oilseeds and millets.

District Rural Development Agency, Vellore

Conducting training programmes and demonstration on medicinal and horticultural crops.

 Srinivasa  Service Trust, (TVS group) Padaiveedu

Conducting training programmes and demonstration on paddy, banana and sugarcane.

Cooperative sugar mills, Vellore

Conducting training programmes and demonstration on sugarcane cultivation and tractor drawn cutter cum planter.

SKETCH Trust, Thiruvannamalai

Conducting training programmes and demonstration on fruit crops and medicinal plants.

District Rural Development Agency, Thiruvannamalai

Conducting training programmes on dry land agriculture. 

Nehru yuva kendra

Conducting training programmes on horticulture crops and mushroom

Farmers’ Training Centre, Kancheepuram

Conducting training programmes regarding pulses production and conducting  farmers’ day

Thiruvalluvur University,  Vellore

Conducting vocational training programmes on mushroom production

Adhipara Sakthi Agricultural College, Kalavai

Conducting training programmes on mushroom production.

Department of Horticulture, Vellore

Collaborative training programme on mushroom cultivation and training on medicinal plants cultivation in Vellore district

EXNORA – NGOs, Vellore

Recycling of bio waste and rural development programmes

SEEDS NGO, Vellore

Conducting training programmes on mushroom production

Collectorate, Vellore

Attending farmers grievances day and APC meeting.

System of Rice Intensification for Yield Increase

In  Vellore  district,   under   Poiney   river  sub  basin,  Velam  is  a  village.  Mr. Adimoolam and fellow villagers had suffered growing rice because of shortage of water. A team of scientists from KVK visited Velam village and assessed their problem and advocated to adopt a System Rice Intensification (SRI) with available water resource.

The method of SRI was explained in detail to the village farmers for adopting reduced seed rate and reduced level of water throughout the cropping period.  Almost all the villagers had reluctance in accepting the technology initially. The scientists returned with disappointment. One scientist was deputed to Velam village again to convince the farmers Mr.Adimoolam has accepted to adopt mainly to conserve moisture. He has raised SRI nursery while Velam village was mocking at him. However, this served as a demonstration unit for the farmers of nearby village and many farmers visited the nursery with curiosity and inquisitiveness. They were skeptical about the usage of only eight kg paddy seeds /ha since they were using 125 kgs. of seeds. They were also worried about the survival of the young as well as single seedlings.

Mr.  Adimoolam and his wife felt happy on seeing the seedlings on 14th day after sowing. They were convinced by the vigorous growth of seedlings. The farmers of Velam slowly turned to Mr. Adimoolam and they came forward for a community nursery in SRI .Ten farmers have joined  in the community nursery programme. Four informal meeting and two trainings were arranged for the benefit of farmers. Twenty farmers were given an exposure visit to Tindivanam.

Now the village has an area of 21 ha under SRI system within a short span of time. Mr. Adimoolam says the response is positive and very quick and many more farmers would follow the technology upon seeing benefit of the system.

Special Technologies