தோட்டக்கலைப் பயிர்களின் பூச்சி மேலாண்மை
Pests of Tomato
Helicoverpa armigera
Collect and destroy the infected fruits and grown up larvae.
Grow less susceptible genotypes Rupali, Roma, Pusa red plum.
Grow simultaneously 40 days old American tall marigold and 25 days old tomato
seedling at 1:10 rows to attract Helicoverpa adults for egg laying.
Setup pheromone trap with Helilure at 15/ha and change the lure once in 15 days.
Spray HaNPV at 500 LE/ha along with cotton seed oil 300 g/ha to kill larvae.
Release Chrysoperla carnea at weekly interval at 50,000 eggs or grubs / ha from 30
days after planting.
Six releases of T. chilonis @ 50,000/ha per week coinciding with flowering time and
based on ETL.
Spray B. thuringiensis 2 g/lit
Do not spray insecticides after maturity of fruits.
Encourage activity of parasitoid Eucelatoria bryani, Campoletes, Chelonus etc.,
2. Leaf miner
3. Spodoptera litura
Plough the soil to expose and kill the pupae.
Grow astor along border, irrigation channel as indicator or trap crop.
Flood the field to drive out hibernating larvae.
Set up light trap at 1/ha or pheromone trap at 15/ha with pheroclin SL lure.
Destroy egg masses and grown up larvae.
Spray SNPV at 250 LE along with teepol 1ml/lit in evening hrs.
4. Whitefly
Uproot and destroy the diseased leaf curl plants
Remove alternate weed hosts.
Use irrigation judiciously.
Use yellow sticky trap to attract and bill insects.
Spray FORS 2% / neem oil 0.5% along with teepal 1 ml/lit.
Encourage activity of parasitoids Eretmocerus mesii and predator coccinellids,
Brumus and Chrysoperla.
5. Thrips
Collect and destroy the damaged leaves and twigs and uproot the diseased plants.
Use yellow sticky traps at 15/ha to attract and kill insects.
Release first instar larvae of Chrysoperla carnea @ 10,000/ha and encourage
coccinellid predator.