This Research Station, Gandevi was established by his highness Sayajirao Gaikwad to test the adaptability and potential of new plant types of fruit crops, their multiplication and supply to the farmers at reasonable rate. Subsequently, in December 1987 it got the ICAR project of All India Co-ordinate Research Project on tropical fruits particularly, Banana & sapota. As a result of the work carried out so far at this research Station, several important recommendations on banana and sapota emerged out. Among them, a recommendation regarding the use of rayan ( Khirni) as root stock for preparing sapota graft which has been commercially adopted all over the country by nurserymen and orchardists.
To introduce various tropical & subtropical fruit crops in south Gujarat.
1. Establishment of nursery to provide certified grafts & seedings.
2. Collection, conservation, evaluation and crop improvement of banana and sapota.
3. Standardization of agrotechniques in banana & sapota.
4. Survey and management of pests & diseases of banana & sapota.
5. To provide technical guidance regarding horticultural crops.
Contact Details :
Fruit Research Station, Navsari Agricultural University,
GANDEVI – 396 360 (Gujarat, INDIA).
The Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture (CISH) was started as Central Mango Research Station on September 4, 1972 under the aegis of the Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore
Mandate of the Research Station
To undertake basic and applied research to enhance productivity and develop value chain for major and minor subtropical fruits
2. To function as national repository of above fruit crops.
3. To act as a centre for human resource development and provide consultancy to the stake holders.
4. To develop linkage with national and international agencies to accomplish the above mandates.
Contact Details :
Central Institute for Subtropical Horticulture(Indian Council of Agricultural Research),
Rehmankhera, P.O.Kakori, Lucknow UP, INDIA, 227107
Ph : 91-0522-2841025
Fax : 91-0522-2841022, 23
The National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) is the apex body for guidance and coordination of all agricultural research activities in the national agricultural research system in Uganda. NARO is a Public Institution established by an act of Parliament, which was enacted on 21st November 2005 . NARO is a body corporate with perpetual succession and a common seal.NARO comprises of the council as its governing body, committees of the council as its specialised organs, a secretariat for its day-to-day operations with the semi autonomous public agricultural research institutes under its policy guidance.
Contact Details :
National Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO)
Plot 3, Lugard Avenue, Entebbe
P.O.Box 295,
Entebbe, Uganda
Ph :Tel: 256 -41- 320512, 256 -41- 320341/2, 256 -41- 320178
Fax: 256 -41- 321070,
The International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) is Africa's leading research partner in finding solutions for hunger, malnutrition, and poverty. Our award-winning research for development (R4D) addresses the development needs of sub-Saharan Africa. We work with partners to enhance crop quality and productivity, reduce producer and consumer risks, and generate wealth from agriculture.
We work on the following crops: cowpea, soybean, banana/plantain, yam, cassava and maize.
Contact Details :
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) Headquarters,
IITA PMB 5320, Ibadan , Oyo State, Nigeria
Ph : +234 2 7517472, (0)8039784000, (0)8055055954,(0)8034035281, (0)8034035282, (0)8034035283"
VOIP via USA: 1-201-6336094 ,
Fax: INMARSAT: 873761798636"
TBRI has a germplasm collection of 229 accessions, including abaca, diploids, triploids and tetraploids. TBRI has released several somaclonal variants of Giant Cavendish with resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense Race 4. ‘Formosana’ and ‘Tai-Chiao #1’ have been distributed to banana growers to sustain the banana industry in Taiwan.
Contact Details
Taiwan Banana Research Institute (TBRI)
P.O.Box #18, Chiuju, Pingtung, Taiwan. R.O.C
Name of contact person: Chi-Hon Chen, Chih-Ping Chao
Tel / Fax: +886 (8) 739 2111 / 0595
Email address: "
Bioversity International is the world's leading organization dedicated to agricultural biodiversity research to improve people's lives through:
1. Better nutrition, especially in developing countries.
2. Sustainable farming practices, to secure our future food supplies.
3. Conservation and use, to ensure that everyone can grow the food they need.
Contact Details :
Bioversity Headquarters
Via dei Tre Denari 472/a
00057 Maccarese (Fiumicino) Rome, Italy
Tel : (39-06) 61181 , Fax : (39-06) 61979661
Email: bioversity(at)"
The Banana Asia-Pacific Network (ASPNET) was established in 1991 to foster collaborative research on bananas and renamed BAPNET (Banana Asia Pacific network) in 2002. The network includes 13 country members and 2 research institutes.BAPNET operates under the auspices of APAARI (Asia Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutes) and is guided by a Steering Committee, which is made up of representatives of all the national programmes and institutions that participate in the network.
This committee meets annually to review progress in addressing the regional research agenda and to discuss future priorities and strategies for the network. Bioversity International’s regional office in the Philippines provides the secretariat and coordination for the network."
The Horticulture Research and Development Centre is one of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada's network of 19 research centres.
• Located in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Quebec, the Centre's mandate is to conduct research in the areas of sustainable production, pest management and preserving the quality of crops and horticulture after harvesting.
• Scientists specialize in market garden crops, tree fruits, small fruits, ornamental shrubs and new crops.
• To develop and transfer knowledge, and to produce technologies and innovative products, while striving to protect the environment preserve human health and minimize risks for producers.
• The Centre's qualified and experienced researchers also carry out collaborative work with university researchers or government colleagues.
• The Centre manages three research sub-stations at L'Acadie and Sainte-Clotilde, which specializes in mineral soil and muck soil horticulture research, and Frelighsburg which operates a variety of orchards for research.
Contact Details :
Horticulture Research Development Centre
Saint(-Jean - sur - Richelieu, Quebec)
Tel.: 450-515-2002 / Fax: 450-346-7740
INIBAPs mission is to enhance the livelihoods of small-scale Musa producers by working with partners to: (1) conserve, characterize and disseminate genetic diversity; (2) develop (by conventional and molecular methods) superior cultivars and test them with farmers; (3) develop sustainable production systems and identify opportunities for adding post-harvest value; (4) support research-and-development efforts by disseminating information and raising awareness of key issues; (5) assess regional and national needs, develop a coordinated response and encourage the adoption of promising solutions.
INIBAP's web site contains information on the conservation and diversity of Musa; banana and plantain networks around the world; post-harvest use and marketing; and publications.
INIBAP was created when a destructive fungal disease of banana, black Sigatoka, was spreading rapidly in Africa and Latin America in the mid-1980s clearly having devastating consequences for the millions of smallholder farmers dependent on banana and plantain for their main staple food. Because of the global nature of banana research, the distinct regional differences and the fragmented nature of ongoing activities, it was decided that the most appropriate strategy was to create a network rather than a research centre. INIBAP was thus created in 1985. Since May 1994, INIBAP is a network of the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
Contact Details :
1990 Bd de la Lironde, Parc Scientifique Agropolis II, 34397 Montpellier, France
Tel. (33)467611302 - Fax. (33)467610334
Email : -
The goal of IPGRI(formerly known as the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR)is to advance the conservation and the use of plant genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations. IPGRI has encouraged the establishment of plant genetic resources programmes in many countries. It has raised general awareness of the issues related to plant genetic resources, which in turn has stimulated the demand for training and research,for technical publications, and for scientific assistance to national plant genetic resources programmes.
Contact Details :
International Plant Genetic Resources Institute
Via delle Sette Chiese, 142, 00145 Rome, Italy
Phone (39)0651892269, Fax (39)065750309
International Starch Institute is located in Aarhus, Denmark at the University campus and with close contact to the Danish starch industry. International Starch Institute in cooperation with the Danish environmental authorities carried out a three year trial for optimizing the recycling of fruit juice and found it was an attractive substitute for artificial fertilizer. Understandably farmspreading is the preferred methods of utilizing the nutrients of the juice, wherever land is available. Banana starch - a newcomer on the international starch market - may equally well substitute the more traditional starches for a range of application within the paper and textile industry and as a texturizer and binder in foods. Banana starch is an equally valued carbohydrate source for the biochemical industry, for alcohol, sweeteners and as a worth adjunct.
Contact Details :
International Starch Institute, Science Park, Gustav Wieds Vej 10, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark.
Tlf.: +45 8620 2000 - Fax: +45 8730 0223 - - kd.hcrats@lanoitanretni.
The origin of the Department of Fruit Crops dates back to 1935, with the establishment of a Fruit Research Station at Kodur (now in Andhra Pradesh) by the then Imperial Council of Agricultural Research. |
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The Horticultural College & Research Institute (HC & RI), one of the constituent colleges of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, is located at Periyakulam, on the Theni - Dindigul high way in Tamil Nadu State (NH). The famous upper Pulney hill ranges featuring nearby offer natural beauty and scenic frontage to this unique Institute. This Institute provides both teaching and research opportunities of high order in an exceptionally pleasant environment. This is the only full-fledged Institute providing horticulture education in Southern Peninsular India.
A Fruit Research Station was set up in 1957 at Periyakulam, with a view to meet the needs and aspirations of the fruit growers of the erstwhile Madurai district. In the year 1971, Horticultural Research Station (HRS), Periyakulam, was developed which marked the expansion of the research mandate to all major horticultural crops.
Contact Details :
Horticultural College and Research Institute
Periyakulam- 625 604
Phone : (Off) 91-4546-234661, 231319,
(Res) 231422
Direct : 91-4546-233225
Telefax: 91-04546- 231726
Horticultural Research Station, Thadiyankudisai was founded in 1957 by the Government of Tamil Nadu as the Hill Banana Research Station. In 1972, the station was designated as the Horticultural Research Station and became a Regional Research Station and the lead centre for hilly and tribal zone under NARP. The station comes under the geographical zone of Lower Pulney hills.
Mandatory crops :
Pepper, Mandarin orange, cinnamon, avocado, chow-chow, vanilla and hill banana.
Objectives :
Horticultural Research station, Pechiparai is located in the natural surroundings at the foot hills of Western Ghats about 10km away from Kulasekaram, 23 km. from Marthandam, 45km. from Nagercoil and 75km. from Trivandrum. It is situated on the bank of Pechiparai main canal about 1.5km away from the Pechiparai Dam.
Objectives :
Crop improvement, crop management and crop protection studies in fruits, minor fruits, vegetables, spices, plantation crops and flowers under high rainfall zone.
Remandated ZARS-KVK - To impart training to local farmers, tribals and department officials by organising workshops, seminars, field study programmes, front line demonstrations, on farm trials and field days etc. Agrometeorological Advisory Services - To issue medium range weather forecast with agro-advisory recommendations to the farmers to take appropriate farm decisions to the anticipated weather change.
Medicinal Plants - Introduction of suitable medicinal plants as intercrops for young rubber plantations.
Survey and screening for suitable high yielding types of Jack and off season mango cultivars.
Mandate crops :
Fruit crops - Banana, Pineapple, Jack, Mango, Guava, Sapota and Minor fruits Technologies developed :
25 kg of FYM, 25 g of ZnSo4, 500g of Neem cake per plant was found to correct zinc deficiency in Red banana.
Pseudostem injection of monocrotophos or dimethoate @ 1 ml + 5ml water mixture administered @ 4 ml/plant was found to be effective for the management of pseudostem borer on banana. The cost benefit ratio was 1:2.85 and 1:2.79 in the case of Monocrotophos and Dimethoate respectively."
Contact Details :
Professor and Head,
Horticultural Research Station,
Pechiparai - 629 161
Kanyakumari District.
Phone : (04651) 281192, 281191
Email id :
Urban Horticulture Development Centre was established at Chennai to serve as an information center for hi-tech horticulture technology and conduct training programs at chennai. It is established in the year 2000.
Objectives :
1. To serve as an information centre for hi-tech horticulture technology
To develop a hi-tech horticulture nursery, supply of quality plant material, tissue culture plants, seeds of vegetables, flowers and herbs, ornamental plants, tree seedlings etc.
To impart training programmes on hi-tech horticulture to urban entrepreneurs, unemployed graduates, students, NGOs, corporates house wives etc.
To inculcate knowledge on development of horti-ecological parks, avenues, greenery, theme parks, botanical gardens, herbal parks,landscaping etc. to reduce pollution and ecological hazards in the city
5. Formulation of hi-tech horticultural projects, providing technological assistance to new entrepreneurs for promoting the horticulture industry
6. Providing consultancy on landscaping, terrace garden, herbal and aromatic garden, production of edible mushroom, floral arrangement dry flower production, establishment of fruit processing plant vegetable dehydration units, essential oil extraction units phytochemical extraction unit, preparation of eco-friendly biocompost biofertilizers, stablishment of hi-tech floricultural units under controlled conditions
7. To create a database on horticultural market information system
Current activities :
Hi-tech nursery - Elite horticultural plant material have been made available for sales through the hi-tech nursery. Seeds of improved varieties of vegetables, flowers, spices, medicinal and aromatic plants are now being sold through the counter.
Plant Advisory Cell - Problems oriented in horticulture are now attended and solutions are offered.
Training - Monthly training schedule has been developed for imparting training various subjects
Contact Details :
Urban Horticulture Development Center
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
New No.P44 (old no.37), 6th Avenue
Annanagar, Chennai- 600 040
Phone: 044-26263484/ Fax : 044- 26263484
Email : chennai@(
The National Research Centre for Banana (NRCB) was established at Tiruchirapalli, Tamil Nadu on 21st August, 1993 on the recommendation of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research.
Mandate of the Research Station :
To undertake basic and strategic research for developing technologies to enhance productivity and utilization of banana.
2. To develop improved cultivars through traditional and biotechnological methods and conserve the diversity.
3. To serve as national repository of germplasm and information related to banana and plantain and also to disseminate the knowledge for production and productivity.
4. To provide leadership and coordinate the network research for generating location specific varieties, technology and for solving specific constraints of banana and plantain production.
5. To collaborate with relevant National and International agencies in achieving the above objectives.
Contact Details :
National Research Centre for Banana,Thogamalai Road,
Thayanur Post,Tiruchirapalli - 620 102,Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone : 91-431-2618104, 2618106, Fax : 91-431-2618115,
Email :,,
The Deparment has a well established orchard with varietal museum crop cafeteria and experimental plots
• TNAU is a pioneering institute for breeding of bananas and papayas at the global level.
• The Institution has an extensive collection of banana inclusive of diploids (AA and AB), triploids (AAA, AAB and ABB) and tetraploids which is a strong base for banana improvement.
• TNAU is a pioneering institute for breeding of bananas and papayas at the global level.
• Systematic research work on crop improvement has led to the evolution of one banana variety and seven papaya varieties.
Contact Details
Professor and Head, Department of Fruit Crops,
Horticultural College and Research Institute,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore-641003, India
Ph : 91-422-5511269 , Mobile:0422 - 3335030
Fax: 91-422-2430781 ,"
The University of Agricultural Sciences was established through an Act (No. 22) by the then Mysore government in 1963. Although the university came into existence on August 21 1964, a journey into the broad-lands of history reveals it to be a much older institution. It would perhaps not be an exaggeration to say that the university was conceived way back in 1899 in the form of an experimental farm of 30 acres.
Objectives :
Teaching :
• To make agricultural education responsive to the growing and changing needs of the society in general and aspirations of the farming community in particular.
• To establish a dynamic system of agricultural education to train highly skilled and competent manpower to address the challenging tasks with new emerging areas of research, extension and industry
Research :
• To develop suitable end-use technologies to solve farmers’ problems vis-à-vis agricultural production including animal husbandry and fisheries and foster research aimed at conceptual advances in all disciplines for technology development in the long run.
• To establish state-of-art infrastructure including well-equipped laboratories, extensive farmlands and an operational research management system that will ensure quick, efficient and cost effective implementation of research programmes.
• To attract qualified and talented personnel to undertake research in the University.
Contact Details :
University of Agricultural Sciences,
GKVK, Bangalore- 560 065
Ph: 080-23330984
The University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad was established on October 1, 1986.
The University has 4 Colleges, 25 Research Stations, 6 Extension Education Units, 5 Krishi Vigyan Kendras and ATIC. The University has its jurisdiction over 7 districts namely Bagalkot, Belgaum, Bijapur, Dharwad, Gadag, Haveri, and Uttar Kannada in northern Karnataka. Greater diversity exists in soil types, climate, topography cropping and farming situations.
The University has released a total of 154 crop varieties, which include 43 in cereals oilseeds – 21 in pulses – 26 in commercial crops, - 32 in fodder crops - 12 and 20 in horticultural and plantation crops
Mandate :
• To perform integrated functions of teaching, research and extension in agriculture and allied disciplines.
• The University has carved a niche for itself on the national and international scene. Among the Agricultural Universities in the country, the University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad is well known by virtue of its high academic standards, research achievements and effective transfer of technology.
• In addition, the students of this University have made impact at the national level through academic and cultural activities
Contact Details :
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
DHARWAD - 580 005
Karnataka State, India
Phone : 0091-836-2747958
FAX : 0091-836-2745276
WebSite :"
Krishi Vigyan Kendra is situated in the Kodagu district of Karnataka established in 1954 by the Karnataka State Government, it was transferred to IIHR on February 1, 1972. The center has an area of 17.5 ha. It was started with the objectives of investigating the nature and causes of citrus dieback disease in Kodagu and nearby areas |
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Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK), Hirehalli was established on 24th march 2009 under Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore at Hirehalli which is located near the Hirehalli Railway Station in Tumkur District (58 km from Bangalore ) on the Bangalore-Poona National Highway (NH-4). It lies between 130 N latitude and 770 E longitude at 845 m above MSL.
To disseminate the viable and sustainable technologies developed and refine the same in the fields of Agriculture, Horticulture, Animal Science, Fisheries and other allied fields for the benefit of farmers through Conducting 'On-Farm Testing' for identifying technologies in terms of location specific sustainable land use systems(Technology Assessment and Refinement).
Organize training programmes to update the extension personnel with emerging advances in agricultural research on regular basis(In-service training). Organize short and long-term vocational training courses in agriculture and allied vocations for the farmers and rural youths with emphasis on learning by doing for higher production on farms and generating self-employment (Vocational Training).
Organize Front Line Demonstration on various crops to generate production data and feedback information (Front Line Demonstration).
Contact Details :
Programme Co-ordinator
Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Hirehalli (Karnataka) Pin-572168
Email : progckvkh@iihr.ernet.i
Indian Council of Agriculture Research, New Delhi in collaboration with University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad started Krishi Vigyan Kendra at Bagalkot during June 2005 for transfer of scientific |
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Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in collaboration with University of Agricultural Sciences Bangalore, Started Krishi Vigyan Kendra in 1976. It was the first time in Karnataka and Second in South India. The Dharwad KVK has been established at 2004 April at Saidapur Farm, Dharwad.
Mandate :
• To Conduct On Farm Testing (OFT) for identifying agricultural technologies for location specific sustainable land use system.
• To organize training to update the Extension Personnel with the advances in Agricultural Technology on regular basis.
• To organize short term and long term vocational Training courses in agriculture and allied subjects for the farmers with emphasis on learning by doing.
• To provide training & communication support to the district level development agencies like agriculture, horticulture, animal husbandry, fisheries and NGOs in their extension programmes.
Contact Details:
Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Saidapur Farm
University of Agricultural Sciences
Karnataka state, India
Phone: 0091-836-2444272
Fax: 0091-836-2444272
Mandates :
Conduct On Farm Testing (OFT) for identifying agricultural technologies for location specific sustainable land use system.
To organize training to update the Extension Personnel with the advances in Agricultural Technology on regular basis.
Organize short term and long term Vocational Training courses in agriculture and allied vocations for the farmers, youth with emphasis on learning by doing
Organize Front Line Demonstrations (FLD) to generate production data and feed back information.
Contact Details :
The Programme Co-ordinator
Krishi Vigyan Kendra
Hanumanamatti - 581 135,
Tq:Ranebennur, Dist.: Haveri,
State : Karnataka, India
Indian council of Agriculture Research, New Delhi remandated Zonal Agricultural Research Station, Bijapur to take up additional functions of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) under National Agriculture Technology Project in August, 2000.
Contact Details : |
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The Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) is a premier Institute conducting basic, strategic, anticipatory and applied research on various aspects of fruits, vegetable, ornamental, medicinal and aromatic plants and mushrooms. Popularly known as IIHR, Bangalore, the institute was the first horticultural Research Institute in the country established by the Indian Council of Agriculture Research on 5th September, 1967 at the Head quarters of New Delhi.
Mandate of the Research Station :
To undertake basic and applied research for developing strategies to enhance productivity and utilization of tropical and sub-tropical horticulture crops viz., fruits, vegetables, ornamentals, medicinal and aromatic plants and mushrooms.
To collaborate with national and international agencies in achieving the above objectives
To act as a centre for training for up gradation of scientific manpower in modern technologies for horticulture production and
To serve as a repository of scientific information relevant to horticulture.
Contact Details :
IIHR, Hessaraghatta lake post,
Bangalore-560 089.
Phone : 28466353/28466471.
Website :
Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) became operational since February 1st 1972 when the then existing two educational and 21 research institutions administered by the Departments of Agriculture and Animal Husbandry of the Government of Kerala, were brought under one umbrella for facilitating the sustainable and accelerated development of agriculture in the State Mandates : , Mannuthy, 680 651, Thrissur, Kerala, India |
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The Regional Agricultural Research Station for the Southern Zone has been functioning at Vellayani since February 1982. Apart from continuing the research activities under NARP Phase I and Phase II , the station implemented 30 externally aided research projects comprising of five AICRPs, five ICAR ad hoc schemes, eight STED projects, one CDS project, one KAU-RRII project, one NWDPRA project, one Food processing project funded by Ministry of Food Processing Industry, three DST projects, two DBT projects, two PPIC projects and one RSMM project
Lead functions are research under partially shaded conditions and export-oriented vegetables and cut flower production. The Centre has verification functions on rice, fruits, homestead farming, coconut, tuber crops, vegetabeles, farm machinery for garden lands, AICRPs on forage crops, nematodes, oil seeds and pesticide residues are functioning here."
The Agronomic Research Station was established on February 14th, 1972 by the Department of Agriculture, Kerala. The KAU took over the station in 1973 for implementing the Co-ordinated project for research on water management sponsored by ICAR. The Scheme started functioning from July 1974
Mandate :
The lead functions are water management for rice and rice-based cropping system and other annual crops. The verification functions include agro-techniques in rice and rice-based cropping system. The AICRP on water management is functioning at this centre from 1974.
Accomplishments :
The centre developed economic and efficient water management practices for the following crops: cowpea, sweet potato, black gram, pineapple, groundnut, Elephant foot yam, sesame, coconut, banana, bitter gourd, cassava, ash gourd and ginger."
The Banana Research Station at Marakkal was established during the year 1963 in an area of 17.3 ha, as a centre of the Department of Agriculture to carry out research on banana and pineapple. In 1970, the station was brought under the All India Co-ordinated Fruit Improvement Project of the ICAR to carry out research on banana and pineapple.
Mandate of the Research Station
• Lead function is on banana and banana-based cropping systems and verification function in vegetables. The All India Fruit Improvement Project for Banana is functioning in this centre.
Accomplishments :
• The Kannara Centre maintains 212 accessions of banana. Two banana hybrids - H1 and H2 were recommended for cultivation in Kerala. Five superior types from the germ plasm - Dudhsagar, Sugandhi, Mysore Ethan and Highgate were selected based on yield.
• Recommendations for the integrated management of banana pests including nematodes were evolved. Several recommendations on nutrition and inter-cropping in banana were also made from this centre.
Contact Details :
Banana Research Station, Kannara, Marakkal,
Thrissur -680 652 , Kerala.
Ph : 0487-2699087
Email :
The Regional Agricultural Research Station for the Southern Zone has been functioning at Vellayani since February 1982. Apart from continuing the research activities under NARP Phase I and Phase II , the station implemented 30 externally aided research projects comprising of five AICRPs, five ICAR ad hoc schemes, eight STED projects, one CDS project, one KAU-RRII project, one NWDPRA project, one Food processing project funded by Ministry of Food Processing Industry, three DST projects, two DBT projects, two PPIC projects and one RSMM project.
Mandate :
Lead functions are research under partially shaded conditions and export-oriented vegetables and cut flower production. The Centre has verification functions on rice, fruits, homestead farming, coconut, tuber crops, vegetabeles, farm machinery for garden lands, AICRPs on forage crops, nematodes, oil seeds and pesticide residues are functioning here.
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Funding Patten:40% from Central Government and 35% from State Government and 25% from beneficiary either through his/her own resources or soft loan from financial institutions (the subsidy for Drip Irrigation in Bijapur & Kolar districts is 100%) Eligibility:All categories of farmers are covered under the Scheme. Persons to be contacted: DistrictDeputy Director of Horticulture |
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Scheme for Technology Upgradation / Establishment/ Modernization of Food Processing Industries.
The assistance will be in the form of grant subject to 25% of the plant and machinery and technical civil works subject to a maximum of Rs.50 lakhs in General Areas and 33.33% up to Rs.75 lakhs in Difficult Areas.
Food Park
25% of the project cost in General Areas and 33.33% in Difficult Areas subject to a maximum of Rs.4 crores for provision of common facilities like cold storage, food testing and analysis laboratory, effluent treatment plant, common processing facilities, power, water supply, etc.
Integrated Cold Chain Facilities
25% of the cost of plant and machinery and technical civil works in General Areas and 33.33% in Difficult Areas with a common ceiling of 75 lakhs.
Value Added Centre
25% of the cost of plant and machinery and technical civil works for setting up such centre subject to a ceiling of Rs.50 lakhs in general areas and 33.33% subject to a maximum of Rs.75 lakhs in difficult areas is provided.
Irradiation Facilities
25% of the cost of plant and machinery and technical civil works for setting up of irradiation facilities in General Areas and 33.3% in Difficult Areas subject to a maximum of Rs.5 crores is provided.
Packaging Centre
25% of the total cost of plant and machinery and technical civil work in General Areas and 33.33% in Difficult Areas, subject to maximum of Rs.2 cores, is provided for establishing packaging centre independently and in food parks (where the packaging centre is not already a part of the common facilities).
Food Processing Industries
The assistance will be in the form of grant subject to 25% of the plant and machinery and technical civil works subject to a maximum of Rs.50 lakhs in General Areas and 33.33% up to Rs.75 lakhs in Difficult Areas.
Strengthening of share capital base of fruit and vegetable cooperatives.
Margin money assistance for raising working capital.
Assistance for purchase of transport vehicles
Construction of packing and grading sheds and godowns.
Construction of Cold Storages & Ice Plants.
Creation of marketing infrastructure including retailing.
Setting up of Processing Units.
NCDC’s assistance
Fruits & Vegetables
The Corporation has, so far, assisted 446 projects in the country to enable cooperatives to market fruit and vegetables. In this, 32 projects for setting up of pre-cooling and cold storage units for marketing and export of grapes and other fruits. NCDC also assists fruit & vegetable cooperatives for establishment of fruit and vegetable processing units.
Cold Storage
NCDC has cumulatively assisted setting up of 312 cold storages (including capacity expansion) with a capacity of 9.22 lakh tons. The assisted cold storages are mainly for storage of potatoes, though items like fruits, tamarind, spices, milk products etc. are also being stored.
Eligibility Criteria for availing Financial Assistance
· The project should be technically feasible and economically viable.
· Most of the raw material requirement should be available from within the area of operation of the society.
· The cooperative character of the unit should be maintained.
· The society should have firm arrangements for marketing of fruit & vegetable items.
High Quality commercial horticulture crops
Indigenous crops/produce. herbs
Aromatic Plants
Seed & Nursery
Biotechnology, Tissue Culture
Organic Foods
Estt. Of Hort. Health linics/Laboratory 9For Agri /Horti unemployed graduates)
Consultancy Services
PHM/Primary processing related
Grading /Washing/Shorting/Drying Packing Centers
Pre-cooling Units/Cool Stores
Refer Van/Containers
Sp. Transport Vehiciess
Retail Outlets
Auction Plateform
Ripening curing Chamber
Market yard/rope ways
Radiation unit Dehydration unit
Vapour Heat Treatment unit.
Primary processing of products fermentation, extraction, distillation, juice vending pulping, dressing, cutting, chopping etc.
Horti. Ancilliary industry e.g tools equipment plastics, packing etc.
Carttones, Aseptic packing & Nets (50% subsid)
Back-ended capital investment subsidy not exceeding 20% of the project cost with a maximum limit of Rs. 25 lakh per Project. (rs. 30 lakhs for North East/ Trival Areas) of Production Post Harvest Management and Primary processing of the horticulture Produce.
1. |
Project with cost upto Rs.10.00 lakh |
0.1% of the project cost |
2. |
Projects with cost above Rs. 10.00 lakh and upto Rs. 20.00 lakh |
0.25% of the project cost |
3 |
Project with cost above Rs. 20.00 lakh |
0.5% of the project cost |
Cold storage
Controlled Atmosphere (CA)/Modified Atmosphere (MA) Storage
Onion Storage
Back-ended capital investment subsidiy not exceeding 25% of the project cost with a maximum limit of Rs.50 lakhs per project (Rs.60 lakhs for North East areas @ 33%)
Project involving term loan may be submitted to Banks/FIs?NCDC as the case may be for appraisal/sanction of loan and release of NHB subsidy.
For self-finance projects, LOI in prescribed format is needed.
1. |
Project with cost upto Rs.10.00 lakh |
0.1% of the project cost |
2. |
Projects with cost above Rs. 10.00 lakh and upto Rs. 20.00 lakh |
0.25% of the project cost |
3 |
Project with cost above Rs. 20.00 lakh |
0.5% of the project cost |
Introduction of New Technologies.
Domestic visit of farmers
Technology Awareness
Upto 100% financial assistance as under
Upto Rs.25.00 lakh
As per actual
Upto Rs.50,000/seminar
General information on wholesale prices,arrivals and trendsin various markets for horticulture produce and
Dissemination of information through Media & Publications
To assist farmers, exporters, dealers research organisations etc.
Techno-Economic Feasibility Studies to review the present status of horticulture development in particular area/state.
Identify constraints and suggest remedial measures
Develop short term & long terms strategies
Provide consultancy services and expert services
Studies through Professional Consultants.
100% financial assistance