Objective :

The proposed project aims development of expert system for crop and animal enterprises facilitating instant decision making process of the farmers through ICT enabled mechanism.

The expert system will also be synchronized with the existing KVK e-linking system for its implementation. The specific objective of the project is to develop expert system for crop and animal enterprises for instsnt decision making.

Lead Centre :

Directorate of Research on Women in Agriculture, Bhuvaneshwar.

Other Network Centres :

Zonal Coordinating Unit, Zone VIII, Bangalore, Karnataka.
Directorate of Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu.
Directorate of Extension Education, TANUVASU, Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

Resources Centres :

Kannada - Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
Malayalam - C-DAC, Thiruvananthapuram.
Tamil - Anna University, Chennai.