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Contact -
The Professor and Head Dept of Millets Center for Plant Breeding and Genetics TNAU, Coimbatore – 641 003, Tamil Nadu, India. E-mail: millets@tnau.ac.in |
Research Activities Crop Improvement
Contact - The Professor and Head |
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Contact - Myrada Krishi Vigyan Kendra 57, Bharathi Street Gopichettipalayam - 638 452 Erode District Tamil Nadu Phone : 04285 - 226695 Fax : 044 -24360234 email : myradakvk@eth.net, myradakvk@dataone.in website : http://www.myradakvk.co.in |
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Contact - Dr. Perumal Krishi Vigyan Kendra Elumichangiri Village Mallinayanapalli (Post) Krishnagiri - 635 120 Krishnagiri District Tamil Nadu Phone : 04343 - 268613 email :drperumalkvk@hotmail.com |
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Contact - Sri Avinashilingam Krishi Vigyan Kendra Vivekanandapuram - 641 113 Seeliyur (via) Karamadai Block Coimbatore District Phone : 04254 - 284223 Fax : 044 -24360234 email : sakvkcbe@rediffmail.com website : http://avinashilingamkvk.org/ |
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Contact - Krishi Vigyan Kendra Virinjipuram - 632 104 Vellore District Tamil Nadu Phone : 0416 - 2272221 email : kvkvrinjipuram@tnau.ac.in |
The research programmes of the University are mainly applied in nature for solving problems of farming community of particular location coupled with overall increase in agricultural production of the State. daptive research is also undertaken for developing and refinement of newly developed technology under farmers' field condition, validation and ensuring acceptance.
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Contact - University of Agricultural Sciences Gandhi Krishi Vigyan Kendra Bangalore – 560 065 Karnataka Phone: 2333 0206 / 2333 0153 Ext. 215 Mobile: 94498 66903, Fax: 080-2333 0206 email: dr@uasbangalore.edu.in |
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Contact - Myrada 2-Service Road, Domlur Labour Bangalore – 560 071 Phone: (91) 08025352028, 25353166, Fax: (91) 080 25350982 E-mail: myrada@vsnl.com, Web: www.myrada.org |
Zonal research station of the University of Agriculture, Bangalore is located in Mandya (V.C. Farm) with 600 acres of research farm. Research is carried on all major crops of the district viz., Rice, Ragi [important varieties are: Indaf-1, Indaf-2, Indaf-3, Indaf-5, Indaf-7, Indaf-8, Indaf-9, Indaf-11, Indaf-15 and MR-1], Sugarcane, Maize. The Research station has developed and released several high yielding, hybrids and productive packages which are popular not only in the district but also elsewhere in the State. Mandate
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Contact - Zonal Agricultural Research Station University of Agricultural Sciences (Bangalore) Nagamangala-571432 Mandya (Dist) Karnataka Phone: (08234)-86060 |
Agricultural research Station is located in Nagenahalli, Mysore district established in 1917. Area of the farm is 25.20 hectares. Mandate
Contact - Agricultural Research Station Nagenahalli Mysore Phone: 0821- 2591267, 0821- 2591383 |
The Kerala Agricultural University is the primary and the principal instrumentality of the Kerala State in providing human resources, and skills and technology, required for the sustainable development of its agriculture, defined broadly encompassing all production activities based on land and water, including crop production (agriculture), animal husbandry, forestry and fishery through conducting, interfacing and integrating education, research and extension in these spheres of economic endeavour. Mandate
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Contact - Kerala Agrl. University, Vellanikkara, KAU P.O. 680 656, Thrissur, Kerala 91 487 2370432; Fax: 91 487 23700193 |
Karshaka Information Systems Services And Networking (KISSAN) is an integrated, multi-modal delivery of agricultural information system, which provides several dynamic and useful information and advisory services for the farming community across Kerala. It is one of the leading citizen centric e-governance projects of the Department of Agriculture, Govt. of Kerala. The key feature of KISSAN is the integrated service delivery model that makes available to the experts from any agriculture related organization any mix or all of the above modes of communications to reach timely and effective assistance to farmers anywhere in the state. |
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Contact - The Coordinator KISSAN- Kerala Project KISSAN Operations Centre IIITM-K, Project Wing, NILA, Techno park Campus Thiruvananthapuram – 695581 Kerala , India Tel: 91-471-2700965, 2700947, Fax : 91-471-2700947 E-mail :info@kissankerala.net web:http://www.kissankerala.net/ |
Agricultural Research Station was established in the year 1954 on the leased lands in Gajularega Panchayat adjacent to Vizianagaram town. The main research function of the research station is to develop and release of improved varieties in the predominant millet crops of the zone viz., ragi and bajra and also to develop improved production practices.
Varieties released so far - Suraj (1994) (VR-520), Champavathi (1998) (VR-708). Area of adaptation is all over India
Agricultural Research Station
Phone: 08922-225983
The Agricultural Research Station, Peddapuram was established during 1954 by the Department of Agriculture, Government of Andhra Pradesh with an objective to isolate high yielding varieties suitable for the tract and to generate technology for remunerative cultivation of millets and pulses.
1. Development of Medium duration hybrids of Maize for North Coastal Andhra Pradesh.
2. Testing and verification function of Pulses, Millets, Oil Seeds, and Breeder Seed
Production of Ragi Varieties.
The Agricultural Research Station, Peddapuram is the lead station for the Breeder seed production of Ragi varieties viz., Godavari and Ratnagiri and are being produced on central, State and Seed agencies indents.
Agricultural research Station
Peddapuram – 533437
East Godavari District
Phone- 08858-241853
Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (VPKAS), Almora, Uttarakhand, India, is a premier institute of Indian Council of Agricultural Research, engaged in hill agricultural research for North-Western Himalayan region of India. It is a multi-crop and multi-disciplinary institute. It has so far released 120 varieties of 25 crops.
Vareities released so far:
VL Mandua149 – Suitable for Uttarakhand hills and all millet growing areas except Tamil Nadu and AndhraPradesh
VL Mandua 146 – Suitable for Uttarakhand hills and Karnataka
Vivekananda Parvatiya Krishi Anusandhan Sansthan (VPKAS)
Indian Council of Agricultural Research,
Almora, Uttarakhand
Phone- 91-5962-230060
Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology is at the heart of (Latitude : 20º 15'N, Longitude : 85º 52' E), the capital city of Orissa , which is situated at an altitude of 25.9 meters above the sea level. The University has made significant contribution in the areas of crop improvement/ crop production/ natural resource management/ crop protection/ post-harvest technology in agriculture and allied sectors like Veterinary/ Fishery and Forestry Sciences.
Varieites released so far – BM 9-1, Chilika (OEB 10) – Area of Adaptability in Orissa, M.P., Gujarat, Karnatka, A.P. and T.N.
Orissa University of Agriculture & Technology
Orissa, India
Fax: 91-674-2397780
Central Food Technological Research Institute(CFTRI), Mysore (A constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific and Industrial research, New Delhi) came into existence during 1950 with the great vision of its founders, and a network of inspiring as well as dedicated scientists who had a fascination to pursue in-depth research and development in the areas of food science and technology.
Technlogies available for Commercial Exploitation of ragi
Mrs. Darly Thomas
Technology Transfer & Business Development
Mysore 570 020
Ph: +91-821-2514534
Fax: +91-821-2515453
E-mail: ttbd@cftri.res.in
The National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources has its Headquarters at New Delhi, located at latitude of 28° 35’ N, longitude of 70° 18’ E and an altitude of 226 m above mean sea level. NBPGR functions under the administrative control of the Crop Science Division of the ICAR. The Bureau draws guidelines from the Crop Science Division of ICAR, Bureau’s Management Committee, Research Advisory Committee and Germplasm Advisory Committees.
To act as nodal institute at national level for acquisition and management of indigenous and exotic plant genetic resources for food and agriculture, and to carry out related research and human resource development, for sustainable growth of agriculture.
Objectives of NBPGR
National Bureau of Plant Genetic Resources
Pusa Campus, New Delhi - 110 012
The International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) is a non-profit, non-political organization that conducts agricultural research for development in Asia and sub-Saharan Africa with a wide array of partners throughout the world. Covering 6.5 million square kilometers of land in 55 countries, the semi-arid tropics has over 2 billion people, and 644 million of these are the poorest of the poor.
ICRISAT is headquartered in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India, with two regional hubs and four country offices in sub-Saharan Africa. It belongs to the Consortium of Centers supported by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR).
The mandate of ICRISAT research is to primarily produce International Public Goods that are relevant and can be used across regions of the world. This is interpreted often to mainly mean publishing scholarly papers in peer-reviewed journals.
ICRISAT conducts its research under four themes: Agro-ecosystems development, Harnessing biotechnology(bioinformatics), Crop improvement and management, and Institutions, Markets, policy and Impacts
Mandate Crops - Chickpea,Pigeon pea,Groundnut, Pearl millet, Sorghum and Finger millet
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Hyderabad,Andhra Pradesh
To reduce hunger and poverty, and improve human health in the tropics through research aimed at increasing the eco-efficiency of agriculture.
Km 17, Recta Cali-Palmira
Apartado Aéreo 6713
Cali, Colombia
Phone: +57 2 4450000 (direct) or +1 650 8336625 (via USA)
Fax: +57 2 4450073 (direct) or +1 650 8336626 (via USA)
Web: www.ciat.cgiar.org
Welfare Scheme Components and its benefits
Premium for the production of Certified class seeds Rs.2/- per Kg of seed
Eligibility and conditions for availing the benefits
The required source seed will be supplied by the Department of Agriculture through the Agricultural Extension Centres on payment of the Cost of the seed as per the sale price fixed by the Department.
Officer to be Contacted
The Joint Director of Agriculture at the District Level
a.Distribution of Foundation / Certified seeds of Millets
Welfare Scheme Components and its benefits
At 50% cost for the production of quality seeds by farmers
Eligibility and conditions for availing the benefits
All the farmers in the State who are willing to produce quality seeds from their lands for their own use and for distribution to other farmers.
Officer to be Contacted
Assistant Agricultural officer at the Village Level
Deputy Agricultural Officer / Agricultural Officer at the Block Level
The Assistant Director of Agriculture at the Block Level
The Joint Director of Agriculture at the District Level
b.Three Days Training on seed production technology
Welfare Scheme Components and its benefits
Training in three important phases of the crops to farmers who receive seeds from the department @ 50% cost for production of quality Seeds. 50 farmers per training totally 8000
training per year.
Eligibility and conditions for availing the benefits
All the farmers in the State who are willing to produce quality seeds from their lands for their own use and for distribution to other farmers.
Officer to be Contacted
Assistant Agricultural officer at the Village Level
Deputy Agricultural Officer / Agricultural Officer at the Block Level
The Assistant Director of Agriculture at the Block Level
The Joint Director of Agriculture at the District Level
C.Supply of Storage Bin to the farmers
Welfare Scheme Components and its benefits
Rs.3000/- for 20 qtl bin and Rs.1500/- for 10 qtl. bin (or) 33% cost of bin- For SC farmers
Rs.2000/- for 20 qtl bin and Rs.1000/- for 10 qtl. bin (or) 25% cost of bin- For other farmers
Officer to be Contacted
Assistant Agricultural officer at the Village Level
Deputy Agricultural Officer / Agricultural Officer at the Block Level
The Assistant Director of Agriculture at the Block Level
The Joint Director of Agriculture at the District Level
Welfare Scheme Components and its benefits
Ragi ( 1 ha ) 100% subsidy (or) Rs.2,500/-
Eligibility and conditions for availing the benefits
All farmers through Water Users’ Association in the respective phase I (2007-08), Phase II (2008-09), Phase III (2009-10) are benefited under this scheme.
Officer to be contacted
District Joint Director of Agriculture
Assistant Director of Agriculture at Block level
Agricultural Officer / Dy. Agrl. Officer at Block level
A.Distribution of Micro Nutrient Mixture
Welfare Scheme Components and its benefits
Supply of Micro Nutrient Mixtures for Millets Rs.38.00 per Kg.
Eligibility and conditions for availing the benefits
All farmers in the state
Officer to be Contacted
Assistant Agricultural officer at the Village Level
Deputy Agricultural Officer / Agricultural Officer at the Block Level
The Assistant Director of Agriculture at the Block Level
B. Distribution of Biofertilisers
Welfare Scheme Components and its benefits
Supply of Biofertilizers at full cost – Azospirillum, Rhizobium and Phosphobacteria each Rs.6/- per packet of 200 gms.
Eligibility and conditions for availing the benefits
All farmers in the state
Officer to be Contacted
The Joint Director of Agriculture at the District Level
C. Vermicomposting of Agricultural Waste
Welfare Scheme Components and its benefits
a.Organizing Demonstration and Training – Rs.1200/- is provided towards organizing a demonstration. Rs.50/- per farmer towards incidental charges for attending the training of 50 farmers in each batch.
Eligibility and conditions for availing the benefits
All farmers in the state except Chennai and The Nilgiris District.
Officer to be Contacted
Assistant Agricultural officer at the Village Level
Deputy Agricultural Officer / Agricultural Officer at the Block Level
The Assistant Director of Agriculture at the Block Level
Funding Pattern : 100% by State Government
Description : Farmers in the State face production irsks on various counts, such as drought, floods, etc. A crop insurance farmers, covering 25 major crops gorwn in the state since 1995. The present scheme aims at revamping marginal farmers. Out lay of the scheme is Rs.100 lakhs
Beneficiaries : Farmers, Family, Community, Other
Eligibility : Any farmer
How to Avail : By contacting the agriculture department and local self government institutions
Funding Pattern : 100% by State Government
Description : Farmers in the State face production irsks on various counts, such as drought, floods, etc. A crop insurance farmers, covering 25 major crops gorwn in the state since 1995. The present scheme aims at revamping marginal farmers. Out lay of the scheme is Rs.100 lakhs
Beneficiaries : Farmers, Family, Community, Other
Eligibility : Any farmer
How to Avail : By contacting the agriculture department and local self government institutions
Crops Covered :
a. Food crops (Cereals, Millets & Pulses)
b. Oilseeds
c. Sugarcane, Cotton & Potato (Annual Commercial / Annual
Horticultural crops).
STATES AND AREAS TO BE COVERED : all States and Union Territories.
Eligibility : All farmers including sharecroppers, tenants farmers growing the notified crops in the areas are eligible for coverage.
How to Apply : Contact Ministry of Agriculture or concerned State Agriculture
http://agricoop.nic.in/Rkvy/Rkvyfinal- 1.pdf
Sponsored by : Both Central and State Government
Description : Aims at achieving 4% annual growth in the agricultural sector during the XI plan period
Beneficairies : Individual, Family, Community, Women, Children
Eligibility Criteria : All the Sates and Union territories
How to Avail : Contact Ministry of Agriculture or concerned State Agriculture Departments
Reference URL : http://agricoop.nic.in/Rkvy/Rkvyfinal-1.pdf (138 KB)
Funding Pattern : For the year 2000-01 a sum of Rs 75.00 Crores have been allocated for the floor fund scheme out of which Rs.50.00 Crores will be met out by the APMCs and Rs 25.00 Crores will be State Government Grant.
The Karnataka State Agricultural Marketing Board is authorised to operate the funds of this scheme.
Reference URL: http://maratavahini.kar.nic.in/apmc_eng/e_schemes.htm
Creation of scientific storage capacity with allied facilities in rural areas to meet the requirements of farmers for storing farm produce, processed farm produce and agricultural inputs. Also, promotion of grading, standardization and quality control of agricultural produce to improve their marketability. the scheme also aims at prevention of distress sale immediately after harvest by providing the facility of pledge.
How to Apply : This scheme can be availed by a group of financial institutions/banks listed under the scheme.
http://agmarknet.nic.in/amrscheme/rural head.htm
Funding Pattern : 100% by State Government
Description : Farmers in the State face production irsks on various counts, such as drought, floods, etc. A crop insurance farmers, covering 25 major crops gorwn in the state since 1995. The present scheme aims at revamping marginal farmers. Out lay of the scheme is Rs.100 lakhs
Beneficiaries : Farmers, Family, Community, Other
Eligibility : Any farmer
How to Avail : By contacting the agriculture department and local self government institutions
Sponsored by : Both Central and State Government
Description : Aims at achieving 4% annual growth in the agricultural sector during the XI plan period
Beneficairies : Individual, Family, Community, Women, Children
Eligibility Criteria : All the Sates and Union territories
How to Avail : Contact Ministry of Agriculture or concerned State Agriculture Departments
Reference URL : http://agricoop.nic.in/Rkvy/Rkvyfinal-1.pdf (138 KB)
Name of Scheme : National Agricultural Insurance Scheme (NAIS)
Type : Central Sector Scheme (CSS)
Year of Commencement : 1999-2000 (Rabi season)
Objectives :
Funding Pattern : Expenses on account of indemnity claims, Corpus Fund, A & O Expenses, publicity, premium subsidy to small and marginal farmers etc. are shared between
Central and State Governments on 50 : 50 basis.
Eligibility : Farmers irrespective of the size of holding.
Persons to be contacted :
The Joint Secretary,
Credit Division,
Department of Agriculture & Cooperation,
Krishi Bhavan,
New Delhi-110114.
Chairman-cum-Managing Director,
Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. (AIC),
13 th Floor, Ambadeep,
Kasturba Gandhi Marg,
New Delhi – 110001.
Type : Central Sector Scheme (CSS)
Year of Commencement : 2007-08 (on pilot basis)
Objectives : To provide insurance protection to farmers against adverse weather incidence, such as deficit & excess rainfall, frost (low temperature), heat (temperature), relative humidity etc. which are deemed to impact crops adversely during their cultivation period.
Salient Features
Funding Pattern : Only up-front support in the form of premium subsidy to the farmers is provided, which is equally shared by the Central and State Government. All the payable claims are the responsibility of the insurance companies.
Eligibility : Farmers irrespective of the size of holding.
Persons to be contacted :
(I)The Joint Secretary, Credit Division, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi.
(ii) Secretary (Agri./Coop.), concerned State Government.
(iii) Chairman-cum-Managing Director, Agriculture Insurance Company of India Ltd. (AIC), 13th
Floor, Ambadeep, Kasturba Gandhi Marg, New Delhi – 110001.
(iv) Managing Director & CEO, ICICI-Lombard General Insurance Company Ltd., Zenith House,
Keshavrao Khadye Marg, Opposite Race Course, Mahalakshmi, Mumbai – 400034.
(v) Managing Director, IFFCO-Tokio General Insurance Company Ltd., IFFCO Tower, 5thFloor, Plot No. 3, Sector 29, Gurgaon-122001.
(vi) Managing Director, Cholamandalam MS General Insurance Company Ltd, Dare House, 2nd Floor,
No. 2 NSC Bose Road, Chennai – 600 001.
Year of commencement : 2007-08
Salient Features
•Establishment of units utilizing the available post harvest technologies and management, value addition, scientific storage, packaging technologies developed by ICAR, CSIR and those identified from within the country and abroad in the production catchments is supported with 40% assistance from the Government under the bilateral agreement of ICAR and Self Help Group (SHG)/User Groups (UG) of farmers/ Cooperative Societies of Farmers/NonGovernmental Organizations (NGOs).
•Creation of adequate infrastructure with the farmers for primary processing and value addition through the establishment of available technologies not requiring initial investments more than Rs. 2.00 lakh at farmer’s fields with government assistance (subsidy) @ 40% of the total cost of the technology/ project.
• Training to improve upon the technical know-how of the users of post harvest technologies for its proper and effective utilization, encourage manufacturers to take up the commercial production of technologies developed by the Research and 66 Development organizations and propagate technologies developed by other institutions.
Eligibility : Self Help Group (SHG)/User Groups (UG) of farmers/ Cooperative Societies of Farmers/Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
Person to be contacted : Joint Secretary (M&T), Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture & Cooperation, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi- 110114.
Short term and medium term loans
Name of Scheme |
Eligibility |
Objectives/Facilities |
1. Crop Loan |
All categories of farmers. |
To meet cultivation expenses for various crops as short-term loan. This loan is extended in the form of direct finance to farmers with a repayment period not exceeding 18 months. |
2.Produce Marketing Loan |
All categories of farmers. |
This loan is given to help farmers to store produce on their own to avoid distress sale. This loan also facilitates immediate renewal of crop loans for next crop. The repayment period of the loan does not exceed 6 months. |
3. Kisan Credit Card Scheme (KCCS) |
All agriculture clients having good track record for the last two years. |
This card provides running account facilities to farmers to meet their prduction credit and contingency needs. The scheme follows simplified procedures to enable the farmers to avail the crop loans as and when they need. Withdrawals can be made by using easy and convenient withdrawal slips. The Kisan Credit Card is valid for 3 years subject to annual review. It also covers personal insurance against death or permanent disability for maximum amount of Rs. 50,000 and Rs. 25,000 respectively. |
Long term loan
Name of Scheme |
Eligibility |
Objectives/Facilities |
Agricultural Term Loan |
All categories of farmers (small/medium and agricultural labourers) are eligible, provided they have necessary experience in the activity and required area. |
The banks extend this loan to farmers to create assets facilitating crop production/income generation. Activities covered under this scheme are land development, minor irrigation, farm mechanization, plantation and horticulture, dairying, poultry, sericulture, dry land / waste land development schemes etc. This loan is offered in the form of direct finance to farmers with a repayment span not lass than 3 years and not exceeding 15 years. |
Funding Pattern: 90:10 (Centre : State) (Macro Management of Agriculture)
Project Area: All Districts
Details of Works :
Subsidy assistance is provided to farmers for procuring Agricultural Machinery and implements such as Tractors, Power Tillers, Tractor drawn Rotavators etc.,.
Benefits offered (Subsidy)
Officer to be approached
Assistant Executive Engineer, AED in the Revenue Division.
Executive Engineer, AED in the District.
Superintending Engineer, AED in the Region.
Chief Engineer,
Agricultural Engineering Department,
Nandanam, Chennai-35.
Phone 2435 2686 , 2435 2622
Funding Pattern : Fully funded (100 %) by Government of India
Project Area : All Districts (Except Chennai)
Details of Works : Demonstrations of Agricultural Implements / Machinery are taken up in the Farmers’ Fields.
Eligibility : All farmers
Officer to be approached
Assistant Executive Engineer, AED in the Revenue Division.
Executive Engineer, AED in the District.
Superintending Engineer, AED in the Region.
Chief Engineer,
Agricultural Engineering Department,
Nandanam, Chennai-35.
Phone 2435 2686 , 2435 2622
Project Area : All Districts (Except Chennai and Nilgiris)
Funding Pattern : State Plan Scheme
Details of Works :
Percolation ponds with Recharge Shaft
Major, medium and minor check dams
Farm Ponds
Rejuvenation of unused wells
Village tanks /Ooranies
Benefits offered :
Beneficiaries are required to contribute 10% towards maintenance of the works in community lands (it is 5% in case of SC/ST) in cash which will be deposited in the name of the Village Development Association / Watershed Association. The accrued interest will be utilised for the maintenance of the assets created. Works in patta lands are taken up with 90 % grant and the remaining 10% is collected as beneficiary share (it is 5% in case of SC/ST) in the form of Cash / labour / material.
Eligibility : All the farmers in the selected watersheds in the respective district.
Officer to be Approached
Assistant Executive Engineer, AED in the Revenue Division.
Executive Engineer, AED in the District.
Superintending Engineer, AED in the Region.
Chief Engineer,
Agricultural Engineering Department,
Nandanam, Chennai-35.
Phone 2435 2686 , 2435 2622
Funding Pattern : State Plan Scheme
Project Area : All Districts (except Chennai)
Details of Works
Benefits offered
Description |
For SC/ST Farmers |
For Other Farmers |
Pump sets below 5 HP |
Subsidy of Rs.3500 or50% of the cost of the pump set Whichever is less |
Subsidy of Rs.2500 or 25% of the cost of the pump set. Whichever is less. |
Pump sets of 5 HP &above |
Subsidy of Rs.6000 or 50% of the cost of the pump set Whichever is less |
Subsidy of Rs.5000 or 25% of the cost of the pump set. Whichever is less. |
Cost of renewal of panel and other electrical accessories |
Subsidy of Rs.1500 or 50% of the cost of panel Whichever is less. |
Eligibility : The farmers having agricultural wells with old, inefficient Electrical pump sets of Energy Index more than 0.75 in all the districts of Tamil Nadu (except Chennai)
Officer to be Approached
Assistant Executive Engineer, AED in the Revenue Division.
Executive Engineer, AED in the District.
Superintending Engineer, AED in the Region.
Chief Engineer,
Agricultural Engineering Department,
Nandanam, Chennai-35.
Phone 2435 2686 , 2435 2622
Funding Pattern : State Plan Scheme
Details of works
S.No |
Component |
Item of works |
1 |
Agricultural Mechanisation |
a) Introduction of newly developed agricultural1 machinery / implements |
2 |
Dry Land Development |
b) Unlined farm pond |
3 |
Establishment of land resources inventory and GIS data base |
Digitisation of cadastral maps of |
Benefits offered
Benefits offered (Subsidy) : | 50% subsidy assistance is provided to farmers for purchasing newly developed agricultural implements such as mini combine harvester, multi crop thrasher, paddy transplanter , and 25% subsidy assistance is provided to farmers for purchasing conventional machinery / implements such as power tiller, rotavator, cultivator, offset disc harrow, disc plough etc., |
Eligibility : All Farmers
Officer to be approached
Assistant Executive Engineer, AED in the Revenue Division
Executive Engineer, AED in the District.
Superintending Engineer, AED in the Region.
Chief Engineer,
Agricultural Engineering Department,
Nandanam, Chennai-35.
Phone 2435 2686, 2435 2622
Funding Pattern : State - Non Plan Scheme
Area of operation : All Districts
Details of Works
Land Shaping
Land Levelling
Land Reclamation
Ploughing, Puddling
Paddy Harvesting by Combine Harvester.
Benefits offered
Agricultural Engineering Department hires out machinery to farmers as per Government approved hire charges and execute the above works
Details of hire charges of Land Development Machinery
S. No. |
Name of Machinery |
Hire Charges ( Rs. per hour- With Diesel) |
1 |
Tractor |
265 |
2 |
Bulldozer |
670 |
3 |
Tractor mounted Combine Harvester |
780 |
4 |
Class crop Tiger Combine Harvesters rubber track type |
1130 |
Eligibility : All Farmers.
Officer to be approached
Assistant Executive Engineer, AED in the Revenue Division.
Executive Engineer, AED in District.
Superintending Engineer, AED in the Region.
Chief Engineer,
Agricultural Engineering Department,
Nandanam, Chennai-35.
Phone 2435 2686 , 2435 2622