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Project Partners profile |
Rural Technology and business Incubator, IITM's, Chennai

RTBI is located at IITM’s Research Park adjacent to the campus http://respark.iitm.ac.in/. The Incubator provides its Startups and future ventures with easy access to labs, conference rooms, and administrative facilities for ease of function as well as provide a convivial and professional atmosphere for business development. It also offers a whole range of services to its clients:
- Infrastructure facilities
- Technology and Prototype development support
- Mentoring - both technology and business
- Seed Funding and other financial support
- Human Resources Support
- Initial rural linkages
- Rural data and research for pilot
- Linkages with public and private funding bodies
- Networking opportunities for business development
- Administrative, legal and financial advice, patenting services
- Early identity and brand creation
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Mailing Address:
IITMs Rural Technology and Business Incubator (RTBI)
I Floor
IITM Research Park
Kanagam Road, Taramani
Chennai - 600 113
Phone : +91 44 66469872
Fax : +91 44 22570120 |

Date of Establishment of the institution - Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Since 1905 |
Mandate of the Institution |
- Provide impetus to agricultural education and research
- Help the farming community in improving their standard of living by developing and disseminating agro-technologies
- Foster innovation to achieve maximum productivity in agriculture, strive hard to solve problems encountered by the farmers in attaining food and nutritional security.
- Facilitate collaboration in agricultural education, research, policy interfacing and outreach with national and international institutions.
- Commercialize agriculture to compete in the national and international markets.
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Full Address with Fax/ E-mail
e-Extension Centre,
Directorate of Extension Education
Technology park - 5,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Coimbatore 641 003,
Phone: 0422 – 6611352
Fax: 0422 – 6611433
Email:dee@tnau.ac.in |
Name and Address of the PI
Dr. E.Vadivel
Project officer & PI (Precision Farming & e-Extension Programmes)
e-Extension Centre,
Directorate of Extension Education
Technology park - 5,
Tamil Nadu Agricultural University
Coimbatore 641 003,
Ph: 0422-6611383, Fax: 0422-2450595
Email: ev@tnau.ac.in |


Date of Establishment of the institution: 22nd March 2005 |
Mandate of the Institution |
- To offer agro input service to the precision farmers and other farmers
- To give consultancy service on precision farming technologies to other Farmers
- To facilitate the precision farmers on marketing
- To implement the research and development programs with partnership of Government and R&D Institutions
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Full Address with Fax/ E-mail
Dharmapuri Precision Farmers Agro Services Limited
Shop No.6, DDSEDS Building
No.Pennagaram Main Road
Dharmapuri 636 702
Tamil Nadu
Mobile: 99427-75116
Email: dpfas@yahoo.co.in
Name and Address of the Head of Institution
Mr.C.Boopathy, Secretary
Dharmapuri Precision Farmers Agro Services Limited
Shop No.6, DDSEDS Building
No. Pennagaram Main Road
Dharmapuri 636 702
Tamil Nadu
Mobile: 99427-75116
Email: dpfas@yahoo.co.in |

- To offer agro input service to the precision farmers and other farmers
- To give consultancy service on precision farming technologies to other Farmers
- To facilitate the precision farmers on marketing
- To implement the research and development programs with partnership of Government and R&D Institutions
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Full Address with Fax/ E-mail
Erode Precision farm Producer company ltd
Agro service
Hospital road,sivagiri
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 04204-240668 |
Name and Address of the Head of Institution
Mr. M.Senapathi, Secretary
Erode Precision farm Producer company ltd
Agro service
Hospital road, Sivagiri,
Tamil Nadu
Phone: 04204-240668
Email: erode.precision@gmail.com |

Date of Establishment of the institution: March 2000 |
Mandate of the Institution |
- To upgrade the quality of life of rural poor through a multi pronged interventions and improve their family income to Rs 50,000 per annum.
- To create a rural development model which can be replicated in rest of the country.
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Full Address with Fax/ E-mail
National Agro Foundation, R&D Centre,
Anna University Taramani Campus
Taramani Chennai- 600 113, India
Tamil Nadu
Phone: +9144- 2254 2598, 2254 2803
Fax: 2431 0050
Email: nationalagro@gmail.com
Website: www.nationalagro.org.in |
Name and Address of the Head of Institution
Shri S S Rajsekar
National Agro Foundation, R&D Centre
Anna University Taramani Campus
Taramani Chennai- 600 113, India
Phone: +9144- 2254 2598, 2254 2803
Fax: 2431 0050
Email: nationalagro@gmail.com
Website: www.nationalagro.org.in |