Root Knot Nematode
Symptoms |
- Characteristic hooked-like galls on roots
- Newly emerged leaves appear distorted and crinkled along the margins
- Chlorosis and Stunting
- Heavily infected plants flower and mature early
- Reduction in number of tillers
- Size of the ear head is reduced with reduced number of grains
root knot nematode |
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Identification of pest |
Adult females appear to be pear-shaped to spheroid with elongated neck, which is usually embedded in root tissue. The stylet is mostly 9-18 µm long with tree small, prominent, dorsally curved basal knobs.
Infective second stage juveniles are short (0.3-0.5 mm) and have a weak cephalic framework. The tail tip tapers to a long, fine point with a long hyaline region.
Root knot Nematode |
Root Knot Nematode |
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Management Strategies |
- Cultural control includes continuous flooding, raising the rice seedlings in flooded soils, and crop rotation.
- Soil solarization with 50 – 100µ clear polythene sheets for 3 weeks before preparation of fields.
- Bare fallow period and planting cover crops such as sesame and cowpea has been reported to decrease nematodes.
- Rotation crop like marigold (Tagetes sp.) is also effective in lowering root knot nematode populations because of its nematicidal properties.
- Resistant varieties such as IR cultivars can be grown.
- Nematicides applied as soil drenches and seedling root dips or seed soaks to reduce nematode populations.
- Seeds can be treated with EPN and carbofuran.
- The roots can be dipped in systemic chemicals such as oxamyl or fensulfothion, phorate, carbofuran, and DBCP.
- Telone can be injected into the soil before the crop is planted.
Resistant variety- IR 32 |
Telone |
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