Grass hopper
Symptom of Damage : |
- Irregular feeding on seedlings and leaf blade
- Large portions of leaf edges consumed.
- Cutting of stem at panicle stage.
- Completely defoliate the plants leaving only the mid ribs.
- Presence of nymphs and adults feeding on paddy foliage.
Irregular feeding on leaves |
Leaves are defoliated from the margin or tip irregularly |
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Identification of pest : |
Scientific Name - Pelopidas mathias
- Egg :
The eggs are laid in batches of 30-40, hatch only in June to July on receipt of the monsoon rains. Eggs are yellowish and covered with gummy substrate that hardens into a waterproof coating.
- Nymph :
The nymphs feed on the grasses and paddy crop.
- Adult :
They grow into adults by August to September. Hieroglyphus banian (Large Grasshopper) measures about 1 ½ inch long. There are three transverse dark lines on the prothorax, which is helpful for identifying the pest. Oxya nitidula (Small grasshopper) is about one inch long and has a longitudinal brown streak on either side of the thorax. |
Grass hopper |
Grass hopper |
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Management Strategies: |
Cultural Methods:
- Flooding the stubbles, trimming the bunds, sweeping along the bunds and adult grass hoppers can be picked directly from the foliage at night because they are sluggish.
- Expose the eggs to be picked up by birds after ploughing and trim the bunds.
Allow ducks into the field |
Flood the nursery |
Chemical Methods:
- Dusting the crop with 5-10% methyl parathion 2% @ 25-30 kg/ha.
- Dusting malathion 5% @ 20 kg/ha.
- Foliar sprays of insecticides can also control grasshoppers.
Malathion dust |
Biological Methods:
- Scelionid wasps parasitize the eggs of short-horned grasshopper. A platystomatid fly and mite prey on the eggs of oriental migratory locust.
- Different species of ants feed on the nymphs and adults.
- They are also prey to birds, bats, field rats, mice, wild pigs, dogs, millipedes, fish, amphibia, reptiles and monkeys.
Egg parasitoid - Telenomus remus |
Parasitic larva emerging from armyworm |
Pupal parasitoid-Netelia sp. |
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